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Everything posted by Reg
Membership of any known soul club would be fine possibly? Using discretion on the door sometimes works depending on the venue location...you can usually tell when they come in whether they're going to be trouble I think. When I used to do the door for Steve, we would let most people in and they were usually ok. A few were more over enthusiastic shall I say but Steve would have a word and they'd either leave or be fine. Sometimes you'd get people moaning if they paid and then didn't like the music It did help that it was a city centre venue and we had a couple of big lads on the door upstairs. Most people can enjoy a drink without being a pain, remember in the old days there was only no booze because it was against the law
Hey hey Beeker....careful...some of us already are maybe I'll see you at the next Beat Boutique....you'll find me in a corner knitting shreddies
Ah Rachel you should be encouraging more youngsters... you more than anyone should know that anybody under 25: a. has better records and if they're European than helps ten fold b. can dance better than the geriatrics over 30 c. know tonnes more about what makes a great night out d. ignores politics and petty local squabbles and the scene will die die die I tell you if we are not rescued asap.....
Have to agree with the big man, reading some of the threads on here has made me kind of glad I can't get babysitters that much these days. Apart from Cleggy and a couple of local non political dos I haven't been anywhere for ages. At times I don't recognise the scene as the one I used to know and love to be honest and if Mark's stopping in there must be a problem
Ha ha yes probably judging on some of the playlists I read on here I think it really does turn a person temporarily (or maybe permanantly in some cases).. tone deaf I'm a drinker in the main myself and to be honest that doesn't really help the dancing skills at all.Although it does mean that I'm not so desperate to get on the dancefloor that I'll be up there strutting my stuff to Elijah rocking with Soul or some other God awful track like some people I know. (Okay it was me dancing to Lew Kirton at Cleethorpes I admit it but I don't get out that often )....
People keep mentioning getting the best djs together for on allniter but it already happens at the Cleggy weekender, Middleton, Lifeline and 6Ts and to some extent Stoke (he he..don't shoot the messenger but look at the line up...don't focus too much on playlists though....). The scene seems healthy enough to me from the few venues I attend (yes and including allniters MrDarcy) so why worry? btw Pete..I quite like the Younghearts...there's no accounting for taste I know but let's agree to disagree. Also...is the Ad Libs in the top 500? That's a great track...??
Why be so precious? Go where you like and why complain about the oldies nights if you don't go? The people that attend most of these handbag type nights are never going to turn up at lifeline or places like that so it's not like they are taking custom away from progressive venues by having their monthly trip down memory lane. Don't buy the badges,cups, embarrasing items of clothing and other tat-nobody is forcing you (and by the way there are a few members on here who I know for a fact have Way of life stickers on their cars and Soul numberplates and I will name and shame if necessary... ) Anyway who says that anybody's got more of a claim on Northern SOul than anybody else? These days anybody can buy into anything, reinvent the past and before you know it they're a die hard soulie even though they visited Wigan once in 1975 and that was to buy a pie. So yes Mike I think we should live and let live and go to the places we like and (as Steve said earlier) "enjoy it while it lasts"....
I agree with Steve, made many good friends at New Century from that little list and its where I met my husband so it will always be very special to me Thanks C & M xx
AH, the Ultimates....lovely stuff...if only I had a spare £300+ (by the way is it the one with the intro... ..lol...ah no don't start that again..... ). By the way are you the Adam from the Modern room at Cleggy?
Well I was going to say..... P.S he's young, he'll learn,,,just thank the lord he doesn't like the devil that is High School Musical....
he he...now how did I know you wouldn't be a Larry Houston fan Pete... (for the record...neither am I )
Hi, Any kind soul got a label scan for larry houston lsstg - HFM-001B HFMP records Thanks Reggie
No there's lots of fantastic different music genres and I definitely don't limit myself just to Soul music - how narrow minded ( and very sad)...would that be!!
I bet if you ask them and they are music fans they will at least know The Snake And I remember a few years ago that pub had NS on the jukebox My brother introduced me to Northern Soul many years ago when I bought the Soft Cell Tainted Love single...he knew it was a northern soul record...he didn't like it but he knew what it was because he knew about music. Anyway I didn't mean the sort of people who hang out in pubs like Grand Central...I should have made myself clearer, lol. I (probably...)meant the type of people who do their garden every weekend, spend hours at the Trafford Centre, buy a new sofa every couple of years,wear draw string trousers and birkenstocks, have barbecues every time the sun comes from behind the clouds and play James Blunt on repeat in the car
In the North West it's more likely that people will know what NS is cos of the history of the C word etc but there are still pockets of people who haven't a clue. But this is usually because they have no wider appreciation of music other than as a background noise in the car or a cd casually picked up in Morrisons. If pursued you would find that they don't know what doowop, bluegrass, ska or rocksteady is either and it's basically because they're dullards without any musical bones in their bodies. The sort of people who watch X Factor and say Leona Lewis is "Sooo talented" and listen to Chris Evans on Radio 2 and think they're a bit edgy....lol
I love it!!! And he did used to be a soul singer you know!
Hey Pete, if I start a night at my local you can come and dj for me-don't forget the Slade records though Northern Soul and Slade....now that's an idea
"do the hustle...." do do do do do do do do do...... You'll all be humming it in a minute!!!
Is that the Rock station Jayne by any chance I know Steve Collins is on after him now but I'm sure it used to be Mike Stevens...or somebody like that? Sure it was somebody who plays in the Modern room at Bury/prestwich if not him?? Anybody?? And yes what you say about smooth is just right, it's gone beyond terrible now and I have turned off. I listen to the revolution now...am I a professional manc or wot??? 96.2 the revolution-sorted ar kid (adapt Liam Connor/gallagher voice.....).
He he...it's been a while I just wanted to point out (and Rob it wasn't replying to you to be honest but to a serial pontificator on here with a secret taste in Jane Austen..if only he looked like him...but I digress....) that sometimes little nights run by collectors are great and the soul scene nowadays is not like it used to be when everybody was 18 and wanting to stay out all night. There are many different types of people with different circumstances on here (Mossy and I both have young families for example) and what suits some of us may not suit the rest. Don't get me wrong I do go to the occasional all niter and haven't missed a Prestatyn or Cleggy for quite a few years but local nights are a godsend to me. And yes I agree I am pretty lucky where I live - I will be nipping over the M60 to the Bury Allniter next week to see Keith Money There's definitely no pipe smokers at that great friendly venue I can tell you
I have to agree with Mossy, I like to go to local dos as I've got young kids and babysitters are like gold dust....and on the occasional night I do get to go out I don't want to drive and sit there nursing an orange juice all night. Unfortunately there aren't that many great nights that near to me-even the Greatstone is a £20 taxi fare away so consequently I just don't get out much at all. It's okay for folks with a mass of disposable income cos the kids have grown up to travel all over the country whilst pontificating how superior they are for being so committed but for some people a local night fits their circumstances and if that's a couple of guys in a pub with their mates then what's wrong with that. I can assure you I've been to a lot of little nights in pubs in Manchester over the years-The Black Lion that Joan and co used to run, nights run by Steve Cato,Darks,Alan,Chris and Carlos' Taste of Honey that have played music as good as or better than any all niter. So put that in your pipe and smoke it....
Im pretty sure he used to be on after Richard on a Saturday night Roger-at least on 100.4 anyway..maybe not London. Or I'm going mad....
Yeah I've got that and the other one (is that rare soul 1 or 2?....1 has the Montclairs, Roscoe, Don Thomas, etc and 2 has the two Sams(Dees and Fletcher)...I would go upstairs to check but I climbed a hill today and my legs have seized up
Oooh Davie...don't mention the "b" word....