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Everything posted by Reg

  1. Too young I'm afraid... I love the Mecca stuff There was a time though when funk was a dirty word on the Northern Scene. And Pete...I know that Soul source started off as predominantly northern but it has evolved I think...I mean we even have a Soul of Jamaica/Ska sub forum now
  2. Well they should I am far too lazy to join another forum (EMS) although I've always meant to!
  3. Since when has Soul Source been predominantly 60s 70s? I thought it was all about soul music from all eras?
  4. It's another funk record isn't it? Funny how a lot of people who wouldn't touch a funk record with a barge pole years ago are now borrowing from the funk scene as they're running out of soul tracks to dig up I quite like it although I'd probably die if I tried dancing to it
  5. Oi who are you calling "he".... It is a great record though...I was just trying to convince you with the clip
  6. F**k knows....using my mobile dialup as not at home so think that may be the problem!! I give up! Was trying to insert refosoul clip
  7. Love it!
  8. Gil Bernal is on the Heat of the Night Soundtrack....think "Deep" was a typo He really should do better-he wrote it
  9. Him indoors got me the Bobby Womack one for Christmas - it's a an easy read and very funny. Most of the stories I'd probably heard before but his first hand account of being caught with Linda is quite amusing...not sure how happy I'd have been though if it was my daughter I can't imagine any soul fan not enjoying this as its full of anecdotes about the likes of Sly Stone, Sam Cooke and Ray Charles I've got the Etta james one, picked it up from a charity shop but only just started that, I'll let you know how it goes!
  10. Hiya Dave, Looks easy enough to me. The only thing I would say (and it is a very minor point) is that some websites have an alphabetical search as well as the standard search so for example you could search everything on the site beginning with c for example. As I say very minor but for idiots like me who sometimes can only remember that the artist's name begins with c it would maybe help a little bit. It shouldn't be too hard to set up. It's a great site though and I wish I hadn't looked now as seen a few things just in the five minutes I was on!!!
  11. I'm sure it does...it has a resident expert for most things
  12. I'm sure I've heard either Sam Dees or Sam Fletcher in another American film ( I get Lonely for you baby and I'd think it over mixed up for some reason-think they were both on an old Charly comp that I played to death). It was in a scene where the character was singing it on stage to a large crowd. Did I dream this???
  13. Isn't it funny that the people who moan the most about the same old same old northern soul scene seem to be guilty of repeating the same old same old postings I said isn't it funny that the people who moan the most about the same old same old northern soul scene seem to be guilty of the same old same old postings (Where's that caps lock when I need it....???)
  14. Mickey Newbury..God I'm quick
  15. One of my favourites..much subtler than Esther Phillips.great list Marco
  16. When Beeks said "borrowing from older DJS " I assumed he meant borrowing as in being influenced by or playing tunes they did - not actually physically borrowing their records. Did you think that or was it just me? I've got this vision now of your Paul going round to Butch's house saying "Please Mr Butch can I borrow that cover up you played at the 100?"...
  17. I think it'sjust a sign of the times, you can buy into anything...be a dj, buy £1000 records, promote a night..reputation or history doesn't matter as long as you know the right people....and do enough creeping Like life in the Uk in general really
  18. He he not at all Although I am considering changing my name on here....have to have a think about what to change it to....my real name??? Well Rumpelstitskin is a bit difficult to spell
  19. Oops, got that wrong...I meant a wee bit older than you...(not saying exact age but check my profile) ha ha
  20. Depends which Richard, lol. If you mean Searling then definitely not, lol. But I am a little bit older than Richard Bergman and a bit younger than you
  21. In my experience it's no different than any other night out..in fact you probably get chatted up more on the soul scene especially if you happen to be a that little bit younger like you or me Kirsty. Although you do encourage em a bit don't you girl....I mean look at that avatar
  22. I met my husband on the SOul Scene (at New Century) and he's 27....ha ha...that's younger than Mr Beeker...so I reckon that makes me younger than him on aggregate
  23. Just a few from me: Wonderful Night -Ruby Andrews or Candace Love I can hear those vibrations(this love is real) - Jackie Wilson Please give me one more chance -Clyde McPhatter Hush don'tcry - Bonny Herman How Big is Big - The Masqueraders You better stop - Barbara Mason and loads more
  24. He he...you're probably right....but we'll never know the path the scene would have taken without those old licensing laws I dread to think

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