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Everything posted by Reg

  1. I'll buy one when I get back on track from start of new school term financial meltdown
  2. Richard's cousin didn't even know that she could claim expenses...they never mentioned it on the day.And they went all the way from North Wales
  3. Hiya Phil. 13 - 16 March
  4. Was trying to post and it all got lost and now Ive forgotten what I was going to say Oh well (just for Mark...sorry if off topic Brett but.....) C'Mon City!!!
  5. Mary Fox is embarrassing - Delia Smith does Northern Soul Most of the records she plays that aren't obvious motown are picked out by local collectors from what I can gather..(oops just realised Brian just said that)...wonder if any of them are on SS and can verify this? Duffy isn't a soul singer by any stretch of the imagination. Its a catchy pop record and she's an average singer trying to sound like Dusty Springfield. Nothing special but not totally offensive. But if Mary Fox thinks Mercy is NS then she may as well play Lulu records on her show (and that would be preferable imo!!) Wonder if we see any extra bodies this weekend?
  6. Just realised I didn't answer the topic question....doh...I think to qualify as an allniter they should end at the earliest 6.
  7. It's different now because of the licensing laws..as Andy says there's no chance of getting a venue just from midnight as any venue worth its salt would be booked til late (ie til at least 2am) on Fridays and Saturdays. I like the longer hours to be honest, don't miss queueing outside for an hour in the cold...that's nostalgia gone mad!!
  8. By school run I meant school walk
  9. Me too...you can listen again though I think
  10. I can categorically say Northern Soul ruined my life University place....nah won't bother with that, I want to stay out all night and need to get a job to pay for it But then again, I wouldn't have my lovely little boys but for New Century Soul Club
  11. I think that most people on here are very fair. Apart from the odd loony on here it hasn't been that negative on the whole- even people that you've not seen eye to eye with in the past. And paul-s,however wierd he has seemed, only said all that because he thought you had upset his mate Joan (who is lovely by the way). So hopefully this new thread** will be nice and informative without too much bickering because lifes too short innit ** don't quote me though
  12. Phew who knows!! You have definitely put the cat amongst the Pigeons Ian!!
  13. I think this is the longest thread ever on Soul Source so I think Mike has kept it open as long as he can. And you can still read the old one, don't worry
  14. On the bottom left hand of the thread there is a box that says moderation options. Click on that and one of the options is "close thread" Hope that helps
  15. Think you have to close the old one Ian-not entirely sure though, Mike will confirm. You can still view the old thread when it's closed
  16. Stars was one of the first records I heard on the NS scene and it still sounds as good today as it did 20 years ago. She is a wonderful talent - Ask the Lonely sends shivers down my spine...to quote Paul Havakin from the Greatstone Soul Club "Absolutely Superb!!" (Talk about stating the obvious...lol)
  17. The brilliant Barbara Lewis! ">
  18. Yep that's the one... I like a bit of Connie myself
  19. Is it the Connie francis one?
  20. All I can say is that I didn't get into rare soul to dance in shopping centres. Shopping Centres bring me out in a cold sweat at the best of times (I'm not a typical female shopaholic...think girl version of Roy Cropper for my dress sense)...I know that it's hard to keep the soul scene as exclusive and "cool" as it used to be when we were all teenagers but I still think I'm still living and breathing enough to actually turn up somewhere resembling a licensed premises And no I didn't go to Wigan (too young) but what has that got to do with anything? What has dancing outside Burtons got to do with the Casino? I don't understand why anybody hasn't got anything better to do on a Saturday night with at least 30 other nights on
  21. No me neither - never been a fan of going for a meal before a soul nite/niter. Don't get me wrong I'm not a total heathen but if I eat too much I tend to nod off. Although Macca's night out sounds great..although the Spanish do benefit from a siesta!!
  22. I can't remember the name but it was one of the shops at the front as you went in up the steps (trying to think back when it was the old corn exchange now)...used to get a lot of LPs there. He sold all kinds of stuff but a lot of Northern. Around the mid 80s?
  23. Didnt Rod have a shop in the Corn Exchange?

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