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Everything posted by Reg

  1. Ollie Nightingale I don't know why I love you Memphis R Evans Stockport
  2. The Mod top 100 by Randy Cozens - a guide to sounds played at Mod clubs in the 60s, (reproduced in the This is the Modern Life book) includes quite a lot of big City soul tracks and El Watusi by Ray Baretto and I don't wanna fuss by Sugar Pie De Santo. ( and a few snaps of a younger Alan Handscombe...) Just thought I'd mention it
  3. I disagree a little bit Matt Years ago I don't think that "proper" R&B would ever (really) have been played on the NS Scene even though proper R&B is more like gritty soul as you say. Maybe at some venues like 6Ts but not on the whole. However some of the R&B played in R&B rooms today isn't really R&B in my opinion..it is rock and roll however you label it. IMO of course...he he
  4. Ha ha Mike...so the proof is in the pudding! LPS are never gonna wipe overnight Very odd though I have to say
  5. Yep that sounds like me! I am still very limited due to lack of babysitters, energy etc (Gene is only 1) but I am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel! Although I do prefer weekenders as I can be elsewhere for a few days rather than have to get up the next day after a night out and look after small children
  6. Mmm I have and definitely haven't heard any Tremeloes but I'm sure I caught Paul spinning a mint Hermans Hermits demo Only kidding ....
  7. The Internet is a good thing in many ways but I do think it has taken some of the fun away from discovering the music. I used to like a record for months before going off it and now I may only hear it a few times on MP3 before realising it is white pop cr*p Seriously though, it hasn't affected how often I go out, that was caused by having too many children. I think if I didn't have children I would probably go out more as Internet Forums such as this and Facebook etc give you a more informed choice.
  8. Ha ha I'm not so sure about that although you aren't doing too badly at the moment!!
  9. I got a stern look from my other half when I suggested that the other day Tony
  10. Hi Chris, got mine but Richard has nicked it so haven't had the chance to play it yet! Tracklist looks great though! See you soon! Reggie
  11. Di I've got a 1000 box of 60s pop stuff, none of it worth owt. Sure I've got that, if Sam doesn't find his let me know and anything else the little one may like...anything 60s chart pop there's a good chance I've got it
  12. Sorry Dad
  13. I'd say that the people who are good dancers are in the minority so don't worry. Nobody really gives a rats. Myself I prefer to watch people who have more of an unusual, less conventional style as its much less serious and you can see they're enjoying the music without worrying about what other people think
  14. Why was he never a mod? Because he was born too late?
  15. To be honest Ian it didn't add up, for a young lad to use the language he did seemed a little bit odd. In fact all his posts so far have seemed a bit wierd. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it if I were you Ian
  16. I saw it, and was a bit shocked but it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Thought about reporting it but before I could it had gone Don't think it you knew the person..a new[young] member.
  17. Ffs are we still on this? It was just a silly programme. Please close this thread asap so we can avoid any more superiority complex posts from some of the middle aged members of this forum. I am very sorry but nobody cares about sub cultures anymore,anybody and everybody can buy into anything if they want to. Cool went by the way a long time ago I'm very sorry to say Just type a record title into Google an Bob's your uncle you are a NS/Doowop/Latin/Indie (insert genre here)... guru
  18. Mmm there are probably some people like that (and as a music fan I can't undserstand that mindset at all!) but for me its about personal taste. Whereas I love Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, Mavis Staples, Carla Thomas and many other commercially successful artists, Aretha has never really done it for me. She is too much of a shouter and her voice doesn't have enough depth for me in most of the records I have heard. Many of her records are just noise to me-for example all that 80s dirge she recorded with George Michael/Annie Lennox and the godawful Integrity But I will concede that I do like some of her slower tempo tracks, like Runnin out of Fools as slower tempo does seem to suit her voice more. And I'm with Tony on Respect
  19. If I had to choose between 6Ts and Wigan which had influenced me it would obviously be 6TS as I would never have had the chance to hear music that I did without 6TS and Kent. Music played at the 100 club was played on the Mod Scene, at Stafford and all those other wonderful mid to late 80s venues like Tonys, Warrington, Morecambe etc and I bought everything that came out on Kent and still have them all today. It is a personal thing (and probably an age thing too ).
  20. He he, was just gonna pull you up I am a Manchester girl after all so I couldn't forget the Wheel!
  21. The Twisted Wheel as that was where it all really started For bums on seats, atmosphere and sheer youthful exuberance (or so I'm told) - Wigan For consistency and quality over a long period of time - 6Ts For me....Warrington Parr Hall. Why? Because it ticked all the allniter boxes for me - big crowds, great post Stafford sounds, men in shorts and the best times ever for me outside the mod scene And by the way I didn't go to the Wheel Ian before you ask But my mum did
  22. Maybe you're right but its only a silly programme after all isn't it and has no relation to anywhere I go on a irregular basis I'm back to the other Liam of the moment now (Corrie)......and his final moments. The best bit of stuff on the box being killed off...now that does upset me
  23. I was laughing from behind the sofa with everybody else but some people have been a bit nasty I thought.
  24. Okay the show was cringeworthy and a bit silly we mainly agree on that? But Liam doesn't deserve personal attacks does he. He's a nice lad , maybe with hindsight he may have thought "eh up, they're gonna do us up like a kipper" but aint hindsight great!

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