I can't understand the fascination with allniters anymore - I can't be bothered most of the time these days unless it's a weekender. I don't want to drive to one, I can never get a lift back and I'm far too long in the tooth to spend 5 hours on trains travelling home. Plus they go on far too long these days. What can people possibly talk about for 10 hours? And then there's people who start getting really grumpy or wierd about 4am or repeat stories they told me already at the beginning of the night and I can't stop thinking about my bed. PLus,as several people have mentioned already, you feel like crap for half the week afterwards
To be fair though I've never been any different, even when I as 16 it would get to 4am and I'd be nodding off. Maybe it's borderline narcolepsy or possibly a short attention span