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Everything posted by Reg

  1. yes you must read EVERY thread on Soul Source...even the SSLAAS!! disclaimer...I do not mean any offense to the members of the SSLAAS thread. ..I just think that Drew (being a man) may not be too interested in other naked men...
  2. Thread Flops of the Year "Seminal moments - Can you remember where you were when you heard......" "Fantasy Duets - Who would you like to have heard duet with say, Linda Jones or Walter Jackson...." "Darrell Banks - I'm the one who loves you, info please" All put up by my me and receiving the sum total of NIL replies. Bastards! This is funny - my husband (Richard Bergman) is always complaining about nobody answering his threads He will be pleased to know he isn't alone
  3. Sam has cancelled the Greatstone, but they have a great replacement in Flanny. It's been posted for a few days now on the Greatstone thread.
  4. This isn't a bad site Chrissie https://www.inretro.net/bags-by-category-c35.html
  5. Of course it's soul Dave..I am surprised at you!! And Simon...a pile of dung? Not really is it? I've told you a million times not to exagerrate
  6. and I can recall one about peas? and having a record delivered in a nappy? I liked the Stafford thread too
  7. I quite like house music, I spent quite a lot of time on the plastic Manchester House scene though, so that probably makes my opinion obsolete. I also think that some people on this thread have got a pretty high opinion of themselves and seem to enjoy telling people how stupid they are for not liking it. Yeah try and be persuasive by putting up soundfiles etc but to call somebody stupid for not liking something is stupid in itself if you ask me!
  8. Stunning....the soul bra and bag combo...coming to a venue near you soon!
  9. here we go..... Pete are those beauties out of your personal collection?
  10. I've said it before and I'll say it again..... Patience Valentine (p.s love your cd btw kev )
  11. That is very impatient Joan. When I have sold stuff on here I have always waited a few days at least if somebody has reserved something. Even (stupidly) in the past at the risk at not ending up selling it to anybody cos I waited two weeks for a timewaster. Generally if I'm selling owt it's because I need the money and I'm sure that's the same for most people but you have to give people at least a few days reasonably I think
  12. 6 pints of strongbow buys an hour of me playing my Pye disco demands "There's no one around, no-one that I found...quite like her.... " Any takers
  13. He's a member on here here he is on youtube ">
  14. Article in today's Observer Music Monthly plus three videos on the website Be patient there's an ad before each video starts https://www.guardian.co.uk/music/video/2008...ecords-50-years
  15. I was going to say Shirley Brown but Bjorn got there before me I'm a bull btw
  16. I've not seen it Billy, have you got a link? Or invite me to join...my facebook name is Reggie Evans
  17. Ah well there's always gonna be one, or two.....or 3.......lol I really don't know where he gets the enthusiasm after 30 years. I get bored every 5 years or so...have a year or so off barely going anywhere and then start going out a lot again. It's only recently since having the nippers that I've had this long a period where I have hardly been anywhere, except weekenders and occasional soul nights. The last (non weekender) allniter I went to was the New Century Anniversary last Christmas and the one before that was Middleton about 6months before..and it took me all week to recover I must be getting old as I definitely don't have the energy to stay up all night voluntarily on a regular basis
  18. Chalky, you are the joint number one soul source guru with Pete Smith I don't think anybody can really argue with that mate
  19. Paul, shouldn't you be in bed....?
  20. I reckon that more single people tend to go to niters, whatever their age. I know for a fact I went out to niters more when I was single. And I am married to somebody I met at an allniter Or if they aren't single their partners don't tend to go....on the whole I'd say? It definitely is also a social thing I think, however much people say that the music is better than soul nights etc etc..
  21. The allniter Dave Thorley ran ticked a lot of the boxes for me...except the "in Greater Manchester" one
  22. That's why most people like going to niters
  23. I can't understand the fascination with allniters anymore - I can't be bothered most of the time these days unless it's a weekender. I don't want to drive to one, I can never get a lift back and I'm far too long in the tooth to spend 5 hours on trains travelling home. Plus they go on far too long these days. What can people possibly talk about for 10 hours? And then there's people who start getting really grumpy or wierd about 4am or repeat stories they told me already at the beginning of the night and I can't stop thinking about my bed. PLus,as several people have mentioned already, you feel like crap for half the week afterwards To be fair though I've never been any different, even when I as 16 it would get to 4am and I'd be nodding off. Maybe it's borderline narcolepsy or possibly a short attention span

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