There's a lot of nights on isn't there!
I just looked at the events calander and you really are spoilt for choice-especially in the North West.
Any Friday or Saturday that I picked over the next few months there is something on that I wouldn't mind going to.
Mind you, I get out so rarely I'd be happy with Do I love you on repeat and a kebab but that's another story
But seriously, is it a good thing? It probably isn't as I think that people are getting bored I really do.
I'm sure some of you will come back and tell me that you're having as great a time as ever but be honest -are you really?
For me it goes in cycles-I had a fantastic time in the 80s,early 90s, didn't bother that much again til the late 90s and then another great few years in the early 00s-early Lifeline, Sheridans, Cleethorpes, New Century-Happy Days indeed.
But now I'm nowhere near as excited about going out as I used to be. I don't hear as many new records as I used to, I go out so infrequently that I don't know anywhere near as many people as I used to and it just doesn't seem the same anymore. Most of the gang who I hung about with a few years ago have got hitched,had babies,got proper jobs,emigrated or disappeared off the face of the earth!
Although I did go out the other Friday. Would you imagine it 2 soul nights on the same night a few hundred yards away from each other.
Taste of Honey and Beat Boutique so I thought , sod it, I'll do both. And absolutely loads of people were out that I knew and it was like old times again...even down to silly dancing with Brett
So my conclusion....mmm... well I think that a lot of the samey sort of nights will tail off and others will prevail
Maybe this film will be a success and we'll have a few newcomers that will liven things up a bit