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Everything posted by Reg

  1. Mine is "Julian Covey and the Machine - A Little Bit Hurt" Takes me back to 1984, age 14 at the Cloud 9 mod alldayers in Manchester. If I've had a drink and this comes on I find it very difficult not to get up!
  2. What a great thread, so nice to meet you Paul Keep it going, I love reading all this-like Jo (VinylVixen) said..it really is a musical treasure trove! Best Reggie
  3. Yes Rachel Come down in May -it's my ****%%% birthday so Rich and i have decided to take a trip down to see if anything has changed in the last 3 or so years since either of us was last there....(I heard a rumour about R&B ..... )
  4. Sounds like the Warbs to me
  5. Emergency 999 - Geno Washington
  6. There's a lot of nights on isn't there! I just looked at the events calander and you really are spoilt for choice-especially in the North West. Any Friday or Saturday that I picked over the next few months there is something on that I wouldn't mind going to. Mind you, I get out so rarely I'd be happy with Do I love you on repeat and a kebab but that's another story But seriously, is it a good thing? It probably isn't as I think that people are getting bored I really do. I'm sure some of you will come back and tell me that you're having as great a time as ever but be honest -are you really? For me it goes in cycles-I had a fantastic time in the 80s,early 90s, didn't bother that much again til the late 90s and then another great few years in the early 00s-early Lifeline, Sheridans, Cleethorpes, New Century-Happy Days indeed. But now I'm nowhere near as excited about going out as I used to be. I don't hear as many new records as I used to, I go out so infrequently that I don't know anywhere near as many people as I used to and it just doesn't seem the same anymore. Most of the gang who I hung about with a few years ago have got hitched,had babies,got proper jobs,emigrated or disappeared off the face of the earth! Although I did go out the other Friday. Would you imagine it 2 soul nights on the same night a few hundred yards away from each other. Taste of Honey and Beat Boutique so I thought , sod it, I'll do both. And absolutely loads of people were out that I knew and it was like old times again...even down to silly dancing with Brett So my conclusion....mmm... well I think that a lot of the samey sort of nights will tail off and others will prevail Maybe this film will be a success and we'll have a few newcomers that will liven things up a bit
  7. I don't get it myself to be fair I only went out to buy a packet of fags Next thing you know I was wearing a beer towel and taken out a subscription to Black Echoes. And as for those funny round plastic things in the spare room
  8. Flirtations - Settle Down - Festival (flip to Stronger than her love)
  9. How Big is Big -The Masqueraders Have a great day !
  10. Just saw this, Una - Malcolm Talcum is still around! I saw him at Bury a couple of years ago. He still wears the vest and does the "unusual" dance :-)
  11. I was thinking just the same! Wow can you imagine getting a parcel with 300 45s in it!!
  12. Referring to modern/70s soul - as "disco" That's pretty irritating
  13. okay, I will try my best to tug off my carpet slippers and try one of those there allneeters Simon, ha ha Best regards Uncle Knobhead
  14. The Dummies guide to Northern Soul allniters....classic! For some reason now i've got the theme from Rocky in my head, lol (Sounds like hard work to me...and what's all that about no booze!!!!)
  15. This is why I've more or less given up on Ebay....bl**dy vultures.... The amount of people who have got stuff for a steal off me (usually when I've forgotten the auction end date)....and still moaned about 10p too much for p&p
  16. No thanks...I hardly ever go anywhere but, whilst I would love to go out more frequently, I would rather not go to the same place every week...I think it would get a bit monotonous...and take it from me I am very familiar with monotony
  17. Don't massage his ego Jayne..... you've probably only seen him in the dark with his teeth in
  18. Great record, it's Diana on lead. I've got the white label, in the absence of any alternative I don't see a problem as it's a fantastic track But wouldn't it be great if Motown brought out a lovely vinyl LP to include the great unissued stuff like this ......seeing it's 50th anniversary year and all that Like a unissued version of Big Wheels of Motown ... I can remember carrying it home on the bus not being able to wait to play it! Richard's cds were good but it would be nice to get the tracks on a nice big shiny LP
  19. Marvin Sease - Candy Licker
  20. or the underrated classic by his brother Emile.... What do you wanna make those eyes at me for...... The Shaky version is legendary:lol: Ha ha, I actually saw Emile Ford at Aspull Labour club around 1986...
  21. Just what I was thinking
  22. Hiya Ian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Freeman Arthur Dent in Hitchhikers is where you may know him from
  23. Excellent, loved the track she sung, the show was a turkey except for her. I thought perhaps the BBC would have done their research more re Martha as I think it's fair to say her voice has been on its way out for a while. It's a shame as Martha seems like a lovely lady, maybe it is time to pack it in though
  24. All the best folks Hope you have a great time whatever you do.... Reg and Rich B
  25. I've had a Darrow Fletcher night.... Played em all and stand out tonight was Infatuation...."changes by the minute" which one I like the most

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