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Everything posted by Reg

  1. Without the Mod Scene there would never have been a Northern Soul scene I'm sure about that. Although I'm sure the Mod Scene would take issue on having influence on the Northern Scene's dress sense :-)
  2. If it was pants I wouldn't go again!
  3. Well I'd definitely consider a free night over one that I had to pay for. Times are hard when you've got growing nippers to feed! I'm really not that bothered about big name djs. It's nice to hear djs I've never heard before to be honest-I've heard all the big names plenty of times anyway. I've been to loads of decent free pub nights over the years. A fiver less spent on the door is a couple of extra pints . I've been to enough nights that are total dog poo that I've paid a tenner to get in to.
  4. I haven't seen Chris for years now. In fact I posted a thread on here a year or so ago asking if anybody else had seen him as I know he hadn't been well. The last mobile I had for him stopped working so I can only assume he's on a new number and then lost my number. He doesn't come on here - neither does Mike Phoenix but he is still has his Scooter Shop and I see him from time to time at Man City or the odd All Niter. Nick Stephenson is on here (if you know him) as nick.s.
  5. All signed ere Good luck Jayne, maybe catch you at the weekend xx
  6. Reg


    So much...there is actually a latin thread on here somewhere that incorporates lots of stuff. And not the kind of latin you tend to hear whilst eating yout patatas bravas if that's what you mean! Latin soul..you mean like Joe bataan? Ray Baretto? Mongo Santamaria? /forums/topic/95135-latin-soul-lowrider-soul-sounds-from-the-barrio/page__st__400__p__1154689__hl__latin__fromsearch__1entry1154689
  7. I went to see one of Dance Offensive's productions last year at the Contact Theatre. Paul gave me a couple of guest list passes as my daughter is big on street dance. What a great show it was-I would have paid if I'd known it was gonna be that good...he he! I have all things crossed, you deserve it mate!! Hopefully you'll be back up north in a few years so I know where to send my two boys!
  8. That my friend could be a standard response to rather a lot of questions....
  9. Now now, this is a thread about alcohol at niters..no turning it into an anti City thread or you will have me to deal with!!
  10. Are some of you really that sheltered that you can't cope with a bit of beer spillage and drinking on the dancefloor every now and then. When I used to knock about in Indie clubs I'd have to squeeze the beer out of my t-shirt a couple of times a night and that's before the band came on. Some of us like getting bladdered, some of us like taking gear. Maybe it's getting to the point where niters need to introduce a tea and biscuits bar complete with complimentary anusol - whadya reckon Now about banning the crisps.....I reckon ready salted are okay but anything else.......
  11. I'm with you Macca, i would be very much "irked" if the bar closed on me shortly after arriving. An example is my local soul night which isn't my usual venue of choice, does sometimes "fill a corner" as it were when i'm at a loose end -as I know a few faces there so can just turn up on my own. However, I may not bother with it in future as they have made last orders earlier than ever- the bar closes shortly after 11.30 which I'm sure is about the earliest last orders at any soul night. And that's before I mention the music policy which is pretty God damn awful. but that's beside the point of this thread :-) It's nice to have the choice I think, a lot of us work very hard and it's nice to be able to relax with a few beverages when you get the chance-my worse crime after having a few too many is nodding off in the ladies (as a few of you on here can probably confirm... :-) )
  12. The only reason there was no beer "back in the daaay" was because it was against the law And you know what there was instead? Plenty of very annoying people off their heads on gear that would compete with any pi**head
  13. Streuth....what kind of message is that! What a wally...!!
  14. Aw Paul that bit made me laugh What a shower of sh**es
  15. Again not including Motown I'd say possibly (and honestly....) Derek and Ray - Interplay
  16. Rather than posting "statements" like that I suggest a larger helping of "humble pie". I'd never go to a soul event again, not to mention post comments like that if I owed soul folk money like you two have done or still do. It's not difficult, you don't have to be professional promoters to give a real apology and mean it.
  17. RW is on facebook Paul
  18. Ah that cracked me up....
  19. Never mind we still got that well known music expert..Dermot O'Leary
  20. There's nowt like cheek is there! Beggars belief!
  21. Sorry the bit about moaning about the music policy at your birthday party...that really tickled me...and losing their gear Who'd be a promoter. I did the door for Steve for 6 months and that was bad enough...you'd never beleive how many people complained about paying a fiver to get in (to a city centre venue) and moaned about not enough "northern"... whatever that meant....! so yes of course the answer is that people aren't happy unless they're moaning....
  22. I know that it's in most banks terms and conditions that you are not allowed to write a cheque when there's no money in the account-post dated cheques are not allowed for that reason..... It's all about the intention I think, did they intend to have the money in the account to honour these cheques or did they just send them to fob people off? I think they got in over their heads with this, I was waiting to get paid before sending my money off! I would have been severely peeved if I was £30 down

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