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Everything posted by Soul16

  1. Could somebody tell me if the You Can't Blame Me/Your Love Keeps Drawing Me Closer 45 was booted or re-issued in the mid 1970's please? I doubt that it was, but I've recently noticed that my copy looks different to all the other copies I've seen. The label on my copy is missing the gold upper half on the YCBM side, although it is present on the YLKDMC side. The audio quality is spot on, so it doesn't sound like a bootleg to me. Andrew
  2. I bought my copy from the USA about 6 years ago, it was sold as an original: Vinyl, De -Lite records, serrated edge around label. Promotional Not For Sale Stereo side has 'DEP1572A' and 'JR.' in the run-out Mono side has 'DEP1572' (lightly crossed out) and 'DEP1572A-DJ' and 'JR' in the run-out.
  3. Thanks to both of you for confirming my suspicions, I'll steer clear of that one.
  4. Could somebody tell me if the copy currently on eBay and ending tonight is a boot? I get the feeling it is because 'ZSP 79988' along with a run time of 2.26 appears on both sides of the record. After checking on Popsike I noticed that the seller previously sold a similar copy back in April. It also looks like it may be vinyl, I assume that the genuine article is styrene. I ask the question because I wasn't aware that there was a lookie likey copy doing the rounds. Andrew
  5. I'm currently in an odd situation with a buyer on eBay, I sold a mint condition 70's pressing of Bernie Williams on Eric a couple of weeks ago. Within days, I got a message via eBay saying that the buyer wanted to return the record for a refund because 'although the record does appear to be mint, there are several loud pops during playback'. Now, I guess most of us know that all copies of this pressing sound like that because the original it was dubbed from wasn't exactly mint, sonically. Anyway, I agreed to accept the return immediately because I couldn't be arsed to explain to the buyer that all copies will sound the same, unless you splash out on an original. The odd thing is though, two weeks later, my PayPal payment is now 'pending' because the returns process is active and I still haven't received the record back...
  6. Very sad to hear this. The 86 Club, I remember Esher playing the final spot 'just one more before we have to end....' Management often ended up pulling the plug. Great times. R.I.P. John
  7. This comedy sale will be no laughing matter for the eventual winner - It may look vintage and slightly weathered, but the edge of the vinyl doesn't look right and the Where Were You side appears to be sporting one of those stick-on labels. Quoting the Soul Source 'experts' is a bit naughty too - the cream and red info just doesn't apply any more. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161732463690?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  8. I know - I was the seller and I thought I got a good price! To be honest, I've always felt it to be undervalued anyway, it's a fantastic record. Thankfully, I still have another copy
  9. I'm pretty sure the John and the Weirdest lyrics are as follows: "A sink full of dishes you used to do Dust lying on a table top for two One single hairpin lying on the floor A lonely little doggy crying at the door"
  10. I think that the seller is also now a Soul Source member...
  11. Last month I did actually manage to get a genuine bargain from this seller, a nice original copy of Epitome Of Sound for just under £55.
  12. Reminds me of The Bees - Chicken Payback
  13. I think that this is it - A new Motown artist with a faux 60's soul sound, aimed squarely at the French market.
  14. Somebody probably got seriously stung on this one, unless they got it for at least 75% less than the Buy It Now price... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Howard-Guyton-I-Watched-You-Slowly-Slip-Away-I-Got-My-Own-Yhing-Going-/281639963018?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item41930cc98a
  15. In the 1980s', before Brian Matthew presented Sounds Of The 60's on Radio 2, her dad, Jimmy Tarbuck used to present it and he played loads of obscure American pop and Northern Soul. Maybe some of her influences come from there? It was a far more enjoyable programme in those days. When Brian Matthew took over, it became a bit dreary, too much Donovan, Lonnie Donegan and Val Doonican.
  16. I remember buying that CD when it was first released - I took it back to the shop for a refund the following day because the sound quality was inexcusably bad.
  17. Somewhere down the line, that particular record is going to be passed off as an original, that is for sure.
  18. For me, the 80s' and 90s' hold the most memories. Keele = Freddie Houston - Soft Walkin', The Uniques - Not Too Long Ago and Tony Middleton - Spanish Maiden The Old Vic = Doug Banks and Joanie Sommers The 86 Club = Howard Guyton Severn Soul Club Worcester = Barbara McNair - It Happens Every Time and Chi Chi - If You're Gonna Love Me Happy Days
  19. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NORTHERN-SOUL-EPITOME-OF-SOUND-YOU-DONT-LOVE-ME-/191534350747?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2c9856419b It seems that nothing is sacred any more Pete. A fairly shoddy job, the seller makes it clear that it is not an original, but for some reason that picture makes me feel quite annoyed. £22 as I type, with five days to go... Madness.
  20. Epitome Of Sound arrived today. Auctioned as a 70s' Pressing in a 1 day auction on eBay. It was clearly an original though, I put a low bid on it and won!
  21. I bought the green boot and the cream label versions from the same box for about £1.50 each back in 1976, at the time I had no idea if either one was an original. All I can remember is that the cream one was supplied in a brown paper sleeve and appeared to be more authentic in appearance. The sound quality on the boot is exceptionally good, indistinguishable from the original to my ears.
  22. Funnily enough, I was just watching some of the contemporary crop of dance floor videos on Youtube before arriving here. Youtube is awash with the bloody things. Now I don't profess to be a particularly good dancer, but some of the gyrations I see on display are often incongruous at best. I have sometimes been tempted to put a few links on Soul Source to the offending videos, but the problem is that I feel it would be ignorant of me to do so, as who am I to pass judgement on how people express themselves. When viewing the vintage videos though, (roughly mid 2000's and before) I see dancing that I can connect with, recognise and understand. It seems to me that much of the new interest and current fascination with Northern Soul seems to revolve around 'the dancing' or 'learning how to dance Northern Soul' without really feeling the music. The music, the artists, the labels, the true passion and the true emotion has, in some way, been lost to this fashion/craze for needing to be seen as 'cool'. Thankfully, I see that there are still plenty of genuinely great dancers out there though. Just my opinion folks, Andrew
  23. The 1976 Silver Spotlight Series UK reissues of Little Anthony - Better Use Your Head/Gonna Fix You Good seem to be getting regularly transformed into original UK Demos. If played out, it would certainly fool the cameras, but given that it was mixed in stereo, to complete the illusion, the DJ would also need to remember to flick the Mono switch on the amplifier.
  24. Personally, I've always considered the UK London version more desirable.

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