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Posts posted by Soul16

  1. I’ve been caught out a few times, I got done once by a dealer who used to sell a lot of records on this forum. This was before the forum feedback system. The beauty of the feedback system is that a repeatedly dodgy seller won’t get away with it for long. 

    These days, I try to resist buying without hearing a sound file first. My priority is how good a 45 sounds, rather than how it looks. After all, I buy them to listen to them.

    I’d rather pay a little bit over the odds from a dealer I can trust, rather than take a chance on a record that has only been ‘visually graded’ by a seller I don’t know. I can’t claim to have bought from every well known record dealer out there, I’m sure there are plenty, but I can certainly vouch for Pete Smith and Darren Brown.

    • Up vote 1
  2. I must say that having a hand cut aluminium plinth at a cost of £6k does sound a bit over the top to me too, but who are we to argue if it makes him happy eh?

    Sure, with high end audio (and plenty of other hobbies), the law of diminishing returns kicks in at some point - sometimes you have to spend big to get a relatively small improvement. 

    If we are lucky enough to have disposable income, we can spend it on whatever we choose I guess - like NS records. Some people are even happy to buy a Parka coat from Canada Goose at nearly £1k. I could never justify that and I’m not just talking about the price...


    • Up vote 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Soulsides said:

    Insanely expensive audio cables with no audible advantages are another misconception and more importantly,a massive moneymaker for the company's that produce them, but there's no real proof that these cables can do anything that the human ear can detect but so many audiophiles have drunk the sonic kool aid that this has now become a very big industry,unfortunately. 

    Being something of an audiophile myself (I have a relatively modest £10k Naim CD, streaming and amplification system), can I assume that your comment about expensive audio cables is based on your own personal listening experience or is it just your opinion?

    Trust me when I say that (some) expensive audio cable can and do make a big difference to sound quality, of course they have to be used in an appropriate system that is capable of resolving the detail in the first place.

    As an example, Naim produce a 1 metre interconnect that is priced at £1600, a lot of money for sure, that I couldn’t justify in the context of my hifi system, but I have had a demo of that cable (using a Mario Bondi CD - This is what you are), the improvements in sound quality and detail resolution were indisputable. I don’t have ‘special’ hearing abilities. I went to the demo as a cynic and took my even more cynical son with me.

    The demo was as part of a £30k system, so £1600 for a cable is fully justified in that context - if you are wealthy enough and are happy to blow that amount on hifi.

    Your comments around the Technics turntable are spot on, it’s a great all rounder for any application.

    • Up vote 1
  4. It never ceases to amaze me how often I see YouTube videos of people playing 45s worth serious money on toy turntables - crazy.

    You bought well and won’t regret it. Sure, there are still arguably better ‘audiophile’ turntables out there, but for playing 45rpm singles, the 1210 is perfect. I use a Michell Gyrodec for HiFi listening and an Audio Technica AT LP1240 for playing singles.

    • Up vote 3
  5. 15 hours ago, Pete S said:

    There's definitely some, I used to use it on my allnighters videos 25 years back, one track featured is Marion Stewart - I Must be Losing You - unfortunately not got any of that stuff now

    I've got the Marion Stewart footage on a videotape - boxed up in the loft probably. I bought the tape off a guy at Keele around 1989/90. I uploaded some Keele, 100 Club and Old Vic footage to youtube some years ago, I didn't bother with the Queens Hall stuff because (from memory) it was not very good quality and was too dark.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Two for sale, both with clean labels and no writing. Scans can be provided on request.

    Night Winds - The Strangers featuring Richard Pitts. Warner Brothers promo, in mint condition. £50 

    She's Hurting Me - Milton Harris. Mutt Records, in mint minus condition. £40 SOLD

    Price includes Recorded Delivery within the UK. 

    Payment by PayPal Friends and Family or +4% please.

    Please PM me if interested.

    Thanks, Andrew.


  7. 5 hours ago, shuffmuff said:

    hi, i was at butlins working yesterday and they have northern soul weekend, a track got played, male soul vocals, had a thumping beat only on chorus and only lyrics i can remember are "million times better" or baby, not sure, does anyone know this tune please?, thanks

    My best guess would be 'Jock Mitchell - Not a chance in a million'

  8. Bernie for me too, I heard that version first and first heard the Gene version on the Grapevine LP. I do like that Del-Val label though.

    Sorry to be picky, but the lyrics above aren't quite correct, I think they're:

    'First we meet, oh baby, then we kiss

    Then we find, oh yeah, that love is bliss

    Before we met each other I was so alone

    Yes I was and so now I've got someone to call my own'


    'So now I know that you're the one, yes I do

    Now two hearts aglow, alright, beat as one'




  9. 22 minutes ago, chalky said:

    Don't think he was a regular was he?  The show used someone different every week mid to late 80s.  Brian Matthew took over in 1990 from Simon Dee who'd been presenting for a year or so?  Keith Fordyce was the original present, 1983-85.

    You are probably right there, maybe I just recall JT because the music he played seemed to include plenty of obscure American danceable records that appealed to my ears. I do remember that he seemed to be very knowledgeable (may have been scripted by someone else of course) about the records he played. 

    I used to listen to SOTS at work on a regular basis and when Brian Matthew took over, the show definitely went a lot more 'middle of the road' in terms of music policy.

    Tony Blackburn is OK, but I reckon they should have handed the show over to Dale Winton :yes: (really)

  10. Hmmm, yes I heard it this morning too...

    There was a nice little pre-amble from Phil 'the collector' Swern, as soon as he mentioned the FIP label, I turned the radio up, ready for an unexpected treat, only to hear that the Mel Britt track was a re-recording of some some description, with an extended fade and looped vocals. The beat sounded digitised and 'Northerned up'. Not heard that version before and I don't particularly want to hear it again. 

    Sounds of the Sixties was better when Jimmy Tarbuck presented it in my humble opinion. He really seemed to know his stuff, he played lots of obscure American recordings too. In those days he was playing real records and not some mp3 or Wav file that hasn't been checked for authenticity. 

    Sorry for being a bit grumpy, but I've had few pints  :)



  11. If, as you say, the recipient is not even responding to PayPal, that is pretty short-sighted on his part. If your payment came via your credit card, rather than a balance in your PayPal account, it may be worth having a chat wth your credit card company, they may be able to do something.

    I work on the theory that the vast majority of people are decent and honest, so you've been very unlucky there.

    £200 is a lot of money to lose. Good luck in trying to get it back.

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