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Everything posted by Soul16

  1. The seller is clearly an experienced ebayer, it seems strange that it would have been removed from sale due to a cash offer, in my experience, if you start getting offers of a cash sale, that is a clear sign that you have a valuable item. As mentioned above, the 'unknown artist' statement is peculiar too, given that he knew the 45 was 'Northern Soul'. Finally, is it just coincidence that this acetate has the same B side as the Stardust bootleg? I'm no mathematician, but I would guess that the odds of that happening are longer than you may first imagine. I'm not suggesting for one second that the acetate isn't genuine, I'm no expert in such matters. Just a few thoughts guys... feel free to shoot me down.
  2. Yep, I'm sure that won't be the last time we see that 45. Somebody may have just bagged themselves a bargain, time will tell.
  3. The seller has ended the listing....the plot thickens.
  4. £7,500! I assume the winning bidder knew exactly what he was doing and wasn't buying blind.
  5. Interesting, I've just listened to my mono and stereo versions of Someday from the LP. It's a shame about the distortion on the acetate recording, but it does sound like an alternate take/mix. The backing track seems the same but the vocal sounds different.
  6. Hi all, I have an old cassette with some Northern Soul recordings on, there is one (very cheesy, but lovely) track that I've never been able to identify, it is a male vocal with a female backing. The opening lyrics are as follows: 'I threw a penny in a wishing well, I made a wish and it sure came out swell, Up popped a girl that I've been searching for, We're so in love and who could ask for more, Everybody sing, hey hey hey etc...' It's quite possible that it's a very well known record, but this one has managed to evade me all these years - I guess that has happened to quite a few of us. Thanks in advance
  7. When examined closely, the print quality lacks the sharp definition of the original, or any other MGM demo for that matter. There's not much in it, but it is there. It's more obvious when my posted scan is enlarged. I may be wrong, but I've always assumed that they were aimed at the UK market.
  8. This is a scan of the bootleg. I bought this around 1979, assuming it to be an original. As stated above, the print isn't quite as sharp as a real one, although it's plenty good enough to fool the ill-informed. The sound quality is very good, although it does deteriorate slightly as the song progresses - it was the sound quality that first suggested to me that it was a boot.
  9. If it's what you do for a living, you have to sell them on I suppose. Profit margins like that are very rare I guess, a good start to the year Pete.
  10. You must've been sweating buckets over that one. I'm green with envy, I can hardly believe my eyes!
  11. You certainly did!! Well Done The perils of poor spelling....
  12. The Radio 2 programme was pretty good I reckon. For me, the sequence featuring Eugene Thomas was probably the highlight.
  13. At 9.10am this morning Chris Evans played a record that was in the charts around Christmas 1975 - He back-announced it with the following quote: " Dean Parrish, I'm on my way, from Christmas 1975.....1975??...Sounds like sixties song to me that...Northern Souly though I suppose, y'know with that echo kind of, y'know ambience to it" I know that just because he's on national radio, he can't be an expert on all music types, but he clearly was unaware that in 1975 and beyond, the Northern Soul scene was based around sixties records and that it was influential enough to create a demand for reissues of these records that dented the lower regions of the charts. As for the definition of Northern Soul as having an 'echo ambience', I'm not even sure what that means. Hopefully, if he listens to Pete Watermans documentary tonight, he'll get a much better idea of what Northern Soul is...
  14. My take on it is this: To (most) females, Northern Soul represents a night out socialising, dancing and listening to great music. To us males however, it's about the vinyl, the labels, the DJ's, the memories, the mystique behind the recordings, discovering 'new sounds' and paying outrageous sums of money to own the rare artifacts that are the fuel that fires the obsession that is 'Northern Soul'. And the beer of course..
  15. Ref the seller of the Paul Anka 45: In the mid to late 1970s, I used to buy lots of bootleg singles from this guy. It started with 'Eddie Foster' - 'Do I love you' on IN Records. In a nutshell, if a tune was big at Wigan and bootlegged - he was my local source for a copy. Having said that, I did somehow manage to buy three original copies of Epitome of Sound for a couple of quid each, gave two away to ex girlfriends...
  16. If you decide to remove them from sale, you need to go to your 'My Ebay, Selling'. On the right-hand side of the page against each item you will see a list of possible actions - one of which is 'End Item'. Select this and then follow the instructions. I think I'm correct in saying though, that once an auction has less than 12 hours to go, you are unable to remove an item from sale.
  17. No problem. It was a good value package at the time, with a fairly decent documentary included. The CD that came with it was above average too. If i remember correctly it only cost around £9 on release.
  18. It came out in 2004. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Soul-Function-Northern-Story-DVD/dp/B0002Y9U2I/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1322299399&sr
  19. That's what is so good about the Northern scene - It's constantly evolving and renewing itself. We'll all be doing this in the old folks homes in twenty years time (assuming we're still alive)
  20. Barbara McNair - You're gonna love my baby. This record has always been a great one to clap with, it gives the low-level beat a bit more 'bite'. I think hand-clapping is great, it really adds to the atmosphere. It doesn't seem to be quite as prevalent these days though, maybe because it hurts more after a while as you get older.
  21. Pete, I've just played my copy, I stand corrected and humbly apologise for the misleading information I posted earlier.
  22. In my opinion, it was such a short and fast edited item, that anyone who saw that film who didn't know what Northern Soul is/was, still wouldn't be any the wiser. Oh yes, I still meet fully grown adults that have never heard of Northern Soul.
  23. The sound quality on the boots was quite poor and if I remember correctly, they were all pressed slightly 'off-centre' too. The seller must have known that it was a boot.
  24. Don't worry - I'm well into the 100's on the CDs!
  25. The sound quality was always top notch and the sleeve notes were insightful and witty - the same is true today via their CDs. In fact I buy most of those too, old habits die hard.

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