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Article Comments posted by Soul16

  1. 16 minutes ago, hornet said:

    Was under the opinion the dancers travelled round the country to hear & dance to there favourite tunes , following certain DJs who had A certain record , they certainly don’t sound the same in A 2 up 2 down bed sit in Clapham as they do in An empress ballroom , 

    That's how it used to be back in the day for sure. It still is for the more discerning of course.

    Sadly, with all the dodgy bootlegs that are apparently getting played out, it seems you don't need to travel anymore to hear your favourite tunes if you don't care about the format.

  2. I can’t deny it, I have maybe 30 or so bootlegs (stored separately from my collection of originals, in order to avoid any cross-contamination😊), they’re all from the 1970’s when that was the only way of being able to listen to the music at home, either due to lack of access to, or inability to afford certain rare originals.

    The world has moved on, the Internet gives access to everyone that has the means to buy originals, but not only that, you can listen via streaming services, no need to clutter your house up with fake pieces of vinyl. Clearly, the Internet has also created a marketplace for ever more bootlegs for those that feel the need to buy such things. Given that Northern Soul is now quite trendy, there is of course a large customer base for bootleg 45s.

    As for the dancers, I’ve no doubt that some couldn’t care less about the medium from which the music is being played - that’s not what it’s about for some - they just want to go out and enjoy themselves, which is fine for them I guess. Northern Soul is the perfect vehicle for the over 50s and 60s to go out and let their hair down (if they’re lucky enough to have any). For now, I prefer to stay in and wash mine.

  3. I may be mistaken, but we do seem to have this debate on the run up to Christmas every year on Soul Source! 😊

    For me, it's very simple. There is no pleasure or pride in owning/playing a fake or bootleg. However, holding an original piece of rare vinyl in your hand (regardless of monetary value) is a great feeling. Northern Soul is so much more than having 'a good night on a full dancefloor'.

    It may seem a bit sad, but one of my favourite moments was when Ted Massey allowed me the privilege of handling his copy of George Pepp after he played it at the Station Hotel in Dudley in 1998. I've never forgotten it!

  4. 20 minutes ago, Scootboy said:

    It is very interesting to see if the prices of bootlegs will go up now?

    In the light of the current scandal, I think it'll be more interesting to see if cowboy DJs playing out bootlegs to the paying public comes to halt. It would be nice if Northern Soul could re-align itself to some kind of normality and move away from being the circus that it has become in some quarters. Maybe it's too late though.

    Why is it that so many feel the need to buy these bootlegs in any case? 

  5. 46 minutes ago, BabyBoyAndMyLass said:

    I see, I have a friend who has a considerable collection of 'Outta Sight' 45s as well as Kents. She bought them from Allan Godfrey, she did assure me that the Outtasights were fully licenced reissues. So just for the record are we confirming that these were NOT the counterfeit records being discussed here?

    Mind you that doesn't rule out bootleggers making counterfeit pressings of legit reissues...


    Yes, as far as I’m aware, the Outta Sights are genuine, and not counterfeit copies of Outta Sight 45s. 

    Counterfeit is arguably the wrong word for the dodgy stuff really. ‘Counterfeit’ suggests they were out to deceive buyers into thinking that they were real. The illegal stuff is clearly not attempting to deceive anyone. Some of the items were tagged as ‘Licensed release’ though, so maybe some were. Your average buyer of such items may not really care too much I guess.

    As you say, Minefield!

  6. 4 hours ago, LEN said:

    So, have people been buying them for £6.00 from these guys, then selling them as originals for said value? 

    Len :thumbsup:


    I doubt it Len, a blind man on a flying horse could see that they’re all brand spanking new. 

    For the sellers, I think it’s just a case of cashing in on a big market while you can and spending the ill-gotten gains on stuff that they need but can’t afford on a standard pension...

    When it comes to the buyers of said items, I imagine that they’re purchased for some kind of misguided ‘look at my Norvern vinyl collection’ willy waving thing. Legalities aside, the only reasonable reason I can think of is that if you owned a 45 rpm jukebox and you wanted to load it with Northern Soul, that would be the way to go. 

  7. 27 minutes ago, Pablorally said:

    How many are out there already? Have you got one in your box.... ? Unfortunately someone has paid for a fake....

    Their whole business was based on selling fakes to buyers who knew they were fakes on a Buy it Now basis for around £6 each. They shifted loads of this illegal worthless plastic to buyers who wanted to be part of the ‘new cool’ that is Northern Soul...


  8. Sounds like a possible plot for NORTHERN SOUL - THE MOVIE 2... 🙄

    Bootlegs have been coming out of Kidderminster since the 1970s, somehow it seemed relatively innocent in those days, but this Is just pure greed and is totally shameful. Looks like there are sizeable sums of money involved here, I wonder what the proceeds have been spent on.

    If there was any justice, eBay could surely have some liability here too, they provided the platform for it and take a cut of the proceeds in commission. However, the seller is responsible for the item I guess. Interesting stuff.

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