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Everything posted by Soul16

  1. My top 5 would be: Sold on Soul Jumping at the Go Go Out on the streets again This is Northern Soul (Grapevine) + one of the many Kent ones
  2. If I publicly name him, I could find myself in trouble because as far as eBay is concerned he hasn’t committed an offence… Topic closed.
  3. I've sent him the photos and asked for his thoughts, but unfortunately he has not replied.
  4. I don't have his record with me yet. I'll do a proper comparison when his worthless piece of junk arrives, I can check the B side too and have a look at etch locations, although looking at the runout groove, I suspect that they will be the same.
  5. No, not a mark anywhere. I have photos and they're good enough to show sufficient detail. I can already see from the photo he sent me that he's done a switch. It's just whether ebay will be diligent enough to confirm. Mechanically applied for sure. I've been selling some things off in order to justify a silly money purchase (wife to placate) and aggravation like this just rubs salt into the wound!
  6. Invitations, Skiing in the snow. I've seen it written as "You know my wood pickin' fire's gonna fasten me down" (?!?) When it should be "You know my wood's looking tired, so I'm waxing it down".
  7. Once I have the record back and Ebay onside, I will name him via PM.
  8. Yes, I have reported it since, but I was too hasty and hit the return item option out of ignorance. Ebay still allows me to pursue it though, the rough 45 will be good as evidence (FWIW).
  9. Thanks for your replies. Oh well, I'll be hoping they were pressed some time apart and the label stack was misaligned.
  10. Can someone confirm that the orientation of a record label in relation to the location of stamps and etchings on a 45 runout area are effectively random? In other words, label position and stamps are likely to be different from one copy to another? I sold a mint 45 on ebay the other week and the buyer is returning it for a refund because he says it is unplayable due to a nasty scratch... he sent a photo and there are subtle marks on the label that tell me it's not my copy, but I need something more obvious to prove he's a crook. Looking at comments left by others, he is making a habit of this - upgrading his collection by deception and theft.
  11. Have a look on the Loake website, there’s some leather sole shoes available for about 40% less than the usual retail price.
  12. Interesting, is not a sale price essentially proof of value? Royal Mail recently lost a 45 I sold on ebay - sale price was £65. I filed a claim and I sent them a screenshot of the sale price. This figure was accepted as proof of value. Buyer got a refund, I lose a record and I'm now wondering where these 'lost' items disappear to... It was clearly labelled up with a return address too.
  13. Blimey, that J B Willingham recording is a thing of beauty . What a treat of a show.
  14. I was unfortunate enough to catch it on the Zoe Ball Breakfast Show earlier this morning. Mind you, I did learn something, she informed her listeners that it's a cover of an original by Gloria Jones.
  15. Sorry, undid my 'up vote'. I wasn't comfortable with it
  16. Tuesday 2nd April. The Long Mynd, Shropshire. I knew there were ponies up here, but I'd never actually seen them for myself before.
  17. From your photo, in this instance, I reckon the raised lettering on the YDLM side is just below “ME”. Have a feel, using a very light touch.
  18. Male Artist: Chuck Jackson, Hand it over, was the first to get me hooked. Female Artist: Barbara Lewis, Hello Stranger. I first heard this in 1984 ( I know! ) This was the final record David ‘Kid’ Jensen played before leaving BBC Radio 1, announcing it as his favourite record of all time. I bought a copy via Record Collector magazine the following week. Group: Little Anthony and The Imperials, Better use your head, was the first.
  19. Not really humourous, but it made me smile and wonder how many hands it must have passed through over the years. I bought this Darrell Banks on Stateside last month, not from Pete Smith but (assuming it is THE Pete Smith) he obviously owned it at some point in history.
  20. Looks right to me. Here's a photo of my copy, which is definitely an original.
  21. Believe it or not, the original CD was issued 25 years ago, how time flies!
  22. How sad . Tony sang great songs over massive productions, what a brilliant vocalist he was. A Northern Soul legend and so much more besides. R.I.P.

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