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Everything posted by Soulandy

  1. Yes, use to see some along with Redpoll, yellow hammers and black caps. Even seen the odd fire crest, sadly they all seen to be a bit thin on the ground
  2. Some.great bird shots again mate. We saw a few linnets up in Scotland back in May and a first.
  3. Quite like that. I wonder what would happen at 4am on a Sunday morning.......................
  4. Manchester is RED tonight
  5. BVAN what can you say but superb stuff. From the early nites sat round the fire in the garden to sat by the pc in the later stages. Walking round the fields with bvan keeping me company, sneaky listening in, in the company of others, its been a staple diet over the last 15 months. Thanks for playing the requests and a thrill to be asked to choose some tracks for the SS nite. Just a quiet punter who loves a nite of great music. Thanks to all involved and hope to catch up sometime Andy P
  6. Yeah the weather can turn in an instant. Been caught out once or twice but thankfully nothing too serious
  7. Yes I did the full lot including the North Ridge of CG. another 10 liesurley hours, unlike your lad A different breed these runners
  8. Two photos from Friday when I did the classic Snowdon Horseshoe. First is around 11.15am on my way towards Crib Goch and the second is after I had completed the horseshoe around 7pm. Left to Right - Y Lliwedd East & West peaks, Snowdon centre, Crib Goch. Llyn Llydaw is the lake
  9. Great photos again mate. Saw quite a few myself along the cliffs last week which was good to see. Also managed to see a couple on the Lizard in Cornwll last year when other folk who were there, just didn't know, :-)
  10. A few from Pembrokshire where I met up with Winsford (steve) and Lou, hope you're enjoying the sunny weather Not a great picture of a Chough, Red Kite in the clag, some girl jumping off at the Blue Lagoon and a good view from a great coastal walk
  11. Sad news. Another icon of the soul scene gone but definitely not forgotten. R.I.P
  12. Coming out of the Runway 2 tunnel next to the River Bollin, Manchester airport on a glorious bank holiday Monday
  13. Just a good sunny blue sky day today
  14. Had some great nights there back in the day. If my memory is right, stax of soul used to appear there as well, a great live band. Another great venue going.
  15. Great photos Saw a linnet up in Plockton as well as a great spotted woodpecker on the nut feeder
  16. Thanks for that Mal. Its off my phone but i do have one on my camera, a small pocket point and shoot. It was after the sun had gone down and id just been watching an otter, no photo, but will try and get a couple more before we head home on Friday, cheers
  17. Watching the sun go down tonight and the quietness of an idyllic bay.
  18. Some good reflections on Loch Achnahinic in Duirinish Scotland this evening
  19. Out of 217 clips on my Trail Cam, only one 20 seconds of the female and she just walked on by with no cubs insight. Plenty of playful cubs that will take some editing
  20. Went to see the fox cubs this afternoon and there are 5 of them. I have quite a bit of Trail cam footage but managed to get these zoomed in photos from amonsgt the trees. The poor cub with the bad hind leg seems to be doing OK but who knows
  21. It looked a bit better than this in real time but just after a heavy shower tonight
  22. Fantastic that. All these wildlife cameras are better than evening TV
  23. Yeh, I may go for a peek tomorrow with my little camera or put the trail cam up in another place. Don't really want to be around too much but will leave it for a few weeks after that. I have seen adult foxes in the fields but they could be any. I'll certainly keep my eye on developments through the summer.
  24. OK, here is the latest installment from the Badger Sett, only it appears to be taken over by a family of Foxes. I say family, as there are four cubs, but most of the time only three seem to be present and there is no sign of any adults, which seems a bit worrying. Also one cub seems to have hurt it's leg near the end of the video as it's limping so hoping it's going to be OK. I'm not sure where the Den entrance's are as they seem to be playing/exploring around the Badger Sett without using them other than a play area. Also, the Badgers seem to be keeping a very low profile as only one makes an appeareance for a short time. This was filmed over a couple of days/nights earlier this week and I was hoping to see Badger cubs after I'd put a few grapes and nuts down so was quite suprised to see all the foxes.

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