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Everything posted by Soulandy

  1. Sad to hear this news. Rest well "Skippy Sue"
  2. Crap photos but watched the ISS go over again. Hopefully see the space shuttle on saturday. Oh and a visitor ftom the night just flew in
  3. Thanks mate and thanks for the choons and write ups
  4. Thank you. Pot luck again with the timing
  5. I've put together a short video of the fox if that's OK
  6. Saw another fox today, not the cubs from the other week, I think they might of moved on as I haven't seen them near the den site for the last few days. This was in another part of the wood as it was getting mobbed in a field. I think it saw me as I was hiding behind a tree but seemed more concerned with the birds. Photo's are not the greatest as I tried to keep still and quiet
  7. Great piece of football history
  8. Mmmmmm. Right way or wrong way, they still taste the same
  9. The big duck family are growing up and the midges are taking over tonight
  10. Yeh, sounds about right. Its a money game unfortunately. Just hope they dont get any of the sea eagles that are currently knocking about.
  11. Good news but on the other hand there's been an increase....... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/uk-news/criminals-take-advantage-lockdown-kill-18258889.amp
  12. Probably because its an American film and volleyball is/was bigger than football over there
  13. The duck family are growing up and a nice sunset on tonights river walk
  14. Steve, its the Tom Hanks film, Castaway, where he make his imaginary friend, Wilson, out of a discarded ball and palm tree/coconut hair.
  15. Don't know if its me but I've just been stopping and starting the video and it looks like the kingfisher is coming out backwards the turning itself round. Amazing if thats right.
  16. No worries. Wasn't sure if folk could view it ok as I've done it on Windows media. Thanks
  17. OK not a photo but kingfishers are a bit quick. A short video of the kingfisher I found a few days ago. I saw but didn't get any photo's of them coming and going so this will have to do for now. I have slowed it down and cut the file size down but it's still fast so don't blink kingfisher3.wmv
  18. A couple of flower pics , Yellow Poppy and a field of buttercups
  19. Spot the tree creeper chick. Saw 4 of them on the oak tree and managed to get one on the camera phone. Also saw 2 parakeets but no photo. Tonight
  20. Thanks for that link. Just found out we were listening to the short eared owl 2 nights ago
  21. Bloody hell, wildlife of a different nature tonight then Hope all is ok
  22. OK not a photo but as there seems to a few birders on here I thought I'd share this about White Tailed/Sea Eagles over quite a few areas of the UK. As there's not many planes and things in the sky at the minute, another good reason to keep looking up https://www.roydennis.org/category/sea-eagle/isle-of-wight-sea-eagles/

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