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Everything posted by Soulandy

  1. Yes mate. Around 3 days they were there. Luckily the bluetit family fledged, they were next to the KF. The M56 tunnel, a 100 yards from the KF site, is the home to another brood of grey wagtails. I think its the same as earlier in the spring as its on the opposite side of the tunnel as earlier so theres still plenty going on.
  2. Unfortunately the kingfishers i had been watching are gone, probably because the farmer or Bollin Valley rangers were working on the bank clearing the fallen trees and all the debris while the river was so low a few weeks back. Probably didnt know they wete there. As a side note we've seen another skimming over the mersey earlier on. Seen it a few times over the weeks. First photo with the work going on. Second photo last week
  3. So that's what it looks like when it's still Great photo Steve. You haven't managed to see the vulture have you, must be a great sight for anyone. https://www.birdguides.com/articles/britain-ireland/tracking-down-the-peak-district-lammergeier/
  4. Plenty of Red Soldier Beetles out today enjoying life in the sun
  5. Just came across this beast in the garden. I think its a violet ground beetle.
  6. After all the rain on Monday and over last night, the river is looking a bit full
  7. Steve, yes mate. Seen around 30 ducklings, kingfishers, buzzards, kestrels, owls, herons, rats, 100's of crows and alsorts these past months.
  8. Sunrays, a new duck family and a few midges tonight
  9. A couple from a couple of weeks back. Honeybee, cropped to show a bit of detail and a horse in need of a good haircut and shave
  10. A couple from Friday evening along the river where the crows have made their home in the trees and have a bit of a feed at the small farm. A few hundred of them, or a mob, a horde or even a murder of crows, after all the chicks have now fledged but they are here every evening making a right old racket.
  11. A couple from the garden on Friday afternoon as the sun hides behind the clouds saying goodbye to summer
  12. Got caught out in tonights surprise storm on our walk. Started of a lovely sunny evening for the first hour, tgen bang, everything thrown at us. Took refuge in an old barn for half an hour
  13. This just flew in the house a small magpie moth, put back outside
  14. Looking at my moth and butterfly book it looks like a Silver Y moth. Note the "silver y" on the wing https://butterfly-conservation.org/moths/silver-y
  15. A few from tonights river walk with Bury Soul Source request hour (and a few midges) accompanying me
  16. Fantastic trees, birds and superb sunset
  17. Three from tonights river walk. The big duck family are still going strong while there's some new kids on the block as the fair weather walkers stay away
  18. A bit of a rainbow in the farmers water spreader this evening
  19. Fascinating read about wasps. They are good for the garden but a nuisance to us. https://www.countryfile.com/wildlife/insects-invertebrates/british-wasp-guide-how-to-identify-common-species-lifecycle-and-why-wasps-sting-in-autumn/
  20. Fantastic photo. I've just been watching the ISS live image's on the app and that's amazing to see but I've just zoomed in on your photo and I'm sure the clangers are having a party, it's that clear great shot
  21. Sorry to hear of your loss. RIP Pete
  22. I did see a family, a couple of years back, playing in the neighbours garden as they made home under the shed. We used to wait till the security lights went on to see if we could see them. I managed this short video one evening as the whole family showed up. I was a bit pleased not a great video but brilliant to watch when it was happening
  23. Thanks I think the zoom is about 30x optical which is good for this type of video. We get them quite often going through the garden but not managed a decent photo yet.
  24. That was about 10pm just before darkness came along I have an app on my phone, ISS Live Now, and it tells you when it comes over. You can follow it all day if so desired. Its next due here around 4.30pm and then every 90 minutes or so so hopefully see it again later

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