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dean jj

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Everything posted by dean jj

  1. yes Nick-harsh words and a cheeck slap had to be administered
  2. I think there is a parkers thread on soul sauce somewhere. Also the delighful Mr. Pearson did an article in shades of soul about the night.
  3. I've had people try that with me....fucking rude in my opinion. dean
  4. The Teddy P 12" was massive as a new release and later. The philly phat mix as you can hear is well weighty and so different from the original cd version we didn't quite realize that the song had already been out. Luckily for me it arrived on a Parkers Saturday so recieved my immediate and undivided attention. Nothing to do with two-step though. dean
  5. If a person only likes sixties soul then I defend their right to do so untill the prize my blood soaked weapon from my dieing grasp. On the other hand the idea that quality black american music stopped being made on Jan. 1st 1970 is preposturus. dean
  6. The term 'modern soul' is only meaningful within the context of northern soul: that it is not your classic on the fours stomper. A slightly different, shuffly sort of dance, developed to a different but still pretty fast rhythm. The search for rare and exclusive plays leads us to the indie soul boom mentioned on this thread of the early eighties: synth based tunes some of which sound great even now and some not so much. Nothing dates a tune like technology. So then you get rare groove [different things to different people], mixed with new releases, and by the latish eighties 'crossover' a sort of back to the future love affair with overlooked seventies [and non northern sixties] So, as I ramble away and decide I need a second cup of coffee, and finish by suggesting the term 'modern soul' only means something to northern fans....the rest of the soul world wouldn't know what to make of it. dean
  7. Like on 'Flog It' value is affected by rarity, condition, and demand/fashion but in the end a record is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Insanity rules! dean
  8. Good Morning from the snow drenched high peak. Today we have just left of the deck: CORNEL CAMPBELL 'PRETTY LOOKS ISN'T ALL' -I am a Leroy Sibbles man in all things but I do prefer this version of the Heptones classic. GREGORY ISAAC 'WRITE MYSELF A LETTER' -causes lite rioting on the dancefloor...started leaving it at home. GINGER WILLIAMS 'I CAN'T RESIST YOUR TENDERNESS' -the sound of sunday nights at Christ The King Youth Club live on. HORACE ANDY 'SHOW AND TELL' CORNELL CAMPBELL 'DIDN'T I' -both versions AL CAMBELL 'GEE BABY' RICHARD ACE 'LOVE IS SO GOOD WHEN [YOU'RE STEALING IT]' -they are really good at southern soul at studio one. MARCIA GRIFFITHS 'TRULY' THE SHADES 'GO FIND YOURSELF A FOOL' -again love the techniques but prefer this version. STRECKER DECKER 'GIRL YOU HAVE LEFT ME' Over and out dean
  9. Paypal still say that I owe them the princely sum of £3.40 from tenyears ago even though I paid them at the time. Won't use it. cheers dean
  10. I quite like jamaican music.
  11. Remeber talking to an original brazenose street chap at a nighter in the mid 80's and he said back in the sixties dance steps changed weekly but as 'northern soul' as we know it developed everyone settled in to the basic 4x4 pattern that we all are familuar with and has remained the basic NS soul step for 40 years or so. He was rather disapointed by this lack of invention. dean
  12. Mike-I meant in this country. Ian-Thank you for the wit. I love you all despite the current trend of washing the car in 40" bags on a sunday. Personally you should save them for listening to Butch on a Saturday night. xxxx dean
  13. Nothing really changes. Soul music is out there...just hard to find. Fashionable [modern] R+B is simply black pop. There has always been black pop. When I was a young teenager Limmy + The Family Cookin got in the charts not the Soul Children. cheers dean
  15. MARVA LEE 'IF YOU CAN'T BE TRUE'/TOO BAD TOO SAD' [uS ATCO] MINT £200 I prefer the slow flip myself! MARGIE ALEXANDER 'GOTTA GET A HOLD ON ME'/'WHAT'CHA TRYIN' TO DO TO ME' [uS CHI SOUND] MINT- [feint record shop stamp on 'a' side] £20 I prefer the slow flip myself! Please PM if interested. cheers dean
  16. Style Bar 8 till 1 adm. £2 847-849 stockport road levenshulme Don't know these chaps but I am told they are serious collectors and will be playing JA music from 50's to 80's as well as soul and r+b. I'm gonna check it out as are a few other manc music heads. cheers dean
  17. There was a back to back dayer/nighter 'history of northern' at the ritz/rotters in manchester in the early eighties. 4.30 ish in the morning the late Les Cockell...barbara mcneir, barbara lynn, betty lavette, barbara lewis, etc. I danced to fantstic soul music...with my leg in a brace cuss I'd broken it. maybe not the rarest but just pure pure pure class. dean
  18. Gary was one of the real people on the soul scene and will be greatly missed. dean
  19. Here is a couple from manchester: In the 80's: GIDDY UP SOUL: big city newies like h.b. barnum In the 90's BOUNCY CASTLE SOUL: rhythmically uninteresting plodding midtempo modern like dryzabone. Nowdays: DAVE MUSIC: the not yet fully formed nu funky northern/crossover. The possibilties are endless my love chickens dean
  20. So we have established all the record/subculture continuity errors and the cars being wrong. Still nobody older than me has addressed my important 'cheese toastie' [during the lunch time pub visit scene] enquiry. I would have thought the ground breaking idea of turning cheese on toast into a sandwich, thus making it easy to eat without spilling your pint of chemic, originated in the seventies. dean
  21. You couldn't get cheese toasties in a pub in 1968 could you?
  22. Just a thought...Isn't it a bit strange taking a camra to a night club. Years ago it would have been taken from you by unsavourey fellows. I hate flash photography in a nice dark dancehall, and hate being photographed, but as it usually happens when I'm DJing, thus in the public eye, and unable to hide, I can't really complain. As I say it seems a strange way of spending your time at a club but each to their own. dean
  23. Yep Tommy Young should be on my last list of original crossover tunes.
  24. Crossover [from where to what you may well ask] emerged in 85/86. Basically quality soul records not played on the northern or wider jazz-funk scenes in the 70's,with it only becoming about rare records and virtually northerns litte cousin much later on. So the roots of crossover or the early years: DEBBIE TAYLOR 'JUST DON'T PAY' BOBBY WILSON 'DEEPER AND DEEPER' WE THE PEOPLE 'MAKING MY DAYDREAM REAL' JOE ANDERSON 'YOU AND I' JEAN WELLS 'WHAT HAVE WE GOT TO LOOSE' MARVIN GAYE 'COME GET TO THIS' dean
  25. The techniques record in the front room is on a duke reid greatest hits ja 45 and has the loud 'really really love you' chorus. I like it 'cuss its the one that is in the front room. works for me! dean

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