The term 'modern soul' is only meaningful within the context of northern soul: that it is not your classic on the fours stomper. A slightly different, shuffly sort of dance, developed to a different but still pretty fast rhythm. The search for rare and exclusive plays leads us to the indie soul boom mentioned on this thread of the early eighties: synth based tunes some of which sound great even now and some not so much. Nothing dates a tune like technology. So then you get rare groove [different things to different people], mixed with new releases, and by the latish eighties 'crossover' a sort of back to the future love affair with overlooked seventies [and non northern sixties] So, as I ramble away and decide I need a second cup of coffee, and finish by suggesting the term 'modern soul' only means something to northern fans....the rest of the soul world wouldn't know what to make of it.