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dean jj

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Everything posted by dean jj

  1. Dear Gents, I got lost as the bus pulled out of the depot but my Salvadors has no dimples/pimples/labels dark blue/ various matrix marks scratched out and quite large 62 771 hand added to the run out groove. Would anyone be able to guesstamate heritage and value from that info? It would be very kind if someone could steer me through the maze. cheers dean
  2. Of course I'm still buying..teehee
  3. I have lots and lots of records, all kinds of black music, and for the last year have been selling a few bits on discog at a nice profit [mainly]. My criteria for selling is if a record has been sat on a shelf unmoved and unplayed for twnty plus years then do you need it? Flog it to someone who wants to play it and make a little cash. I call it giving the collection a haircut. The playing out boxes remain intact....maybe in twenty years time.
  4. condition condition condition...to quote somebody or other. dean ps. morning young pearson. I've got a new puppy.
  5. I sell a lot of modern soul in Sao Paulo
  6. I like the flip side
  7. Non-soulies, who know my somewhat fierce attitude to music, ask stupid questions like 'who is your favourite singer?' Impossible to reply to that question...and a little bit of Mr. Jackson explains why. dean
  8. I didn't think it was issued only demo but i might be wrongly wrong. dean
  9. Facebook is care in the community without the interesting drugs....Having said that I do know of a promoter who lost his venue two days before the gig but could inform all his regulars via facebook so maybe it has a commercial value. In my days of promoting you had to bribe someone to stand on the rain swept streets of Manchester and point the way. dean
  10. tile hill north estate in coventry but mother was a crap cook.
  11. right off to the bin with the uneaten sprouts...the dog doesn't want 'em.
  12. Some people have no sense of morality or even consideration for others..that is the state of much of society sadly.
  13. Occasionally I venture from my humble shepherds shack and travel to poorly illuminated dens of vice to hear loud soul records. Obviously the stress of the journey, what with crossing the river by raft steering only by moonlight and climbing every mountain while dressed as a nun etc., gives a chap a thirst, and a few halves of mild shandy are called for, but I actually think its more to do with hearing records late at night in sensory depriving 'soularama' that makes a tune sound better than it does on a nice Tuesday afternoon left of the sofa. Sorry if I've gone sidewards on the thread so I'll finish by saying that being shitfaced can help with the enjoyment of many many things. dean
  14. Pips was under the corn exchange near the cathedral and featured several small rooms playing different styles of music. the clip is obviously the roxy/bowie room rather than the jazz-funk! Placemates is Whitworth Street Wheel again carved up into different themes. Later it was a largely gay club called The State and I used to play a night called Djangos in the early 1990's playing rare funk/jazz/reggae etc. Remember arriving early one wet and windy friday to find the bass bins kaputt so snuck down into the dungeon to nick those ones. Didn't think anyone would notice. dean
  15. The place with the suites of armour in alcoves was I think Cloisters opposite the Palace theatre and no longer there [the building that is]. Dave Withers and the ultimate lover of modern soul Uncle Rod did a night there but it didn't catch on. Don't ask what year..Last weeks a blur. dean
  16. I think, well sometimes, that: 'hotboxing' is a choice for some, and those people always get hit on price because they are buying records at the height of the demand; I occasionaly bid on auctions but only to an amount I think currently fair so I only occasionally win; since Feb., with 20000 records upstairs I've been trimming the collection [i like the phrase giving it a haircut] and have sold rare and less rare equally relying on the fact that if thery have been sitting on a shelf for 25 years , then their in good nick [mainly] , I don't need 'em if I don't play them, somebody else can enjoy them, I pay off the car loan. Profitable re-homing you might say. I better say two things: quality black music-not just northern, and as a wise old soul boy said to me 'Its not in the selling....It's what you bought in the first place'. Always plough your own furrow my jolly chaps. dean
  17. Is it me or does Dave Withers actually look younger these days?
  18. rufus + the roots, the differences, the constillations...have that groove.
  19. Saw some NS condoms the other day but they'd had too much DJ use are were knackered.
  20. I think that is called the ability to DJ. dean
  21. Finally got hold of the Peckham connection and his blank does in fact say Dave Barker. He also says there is goodly version by johnny Osborne but I haven't heard that. dean
  22. original johnny and the attractions 45's wouldn't be cheap
  23. Bottom one 1st press soul bowl front page about 1985 [i think!] dean

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