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dean jj

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Everything posted by dean jj

  1. is it a mono/stereo demo 'cuss the issue has the sublime 'let me prove that i love you' on the flip?
  2. In the early 80's I was working for a co-op who were the first people to produce fresh pasta and other Italian food products in the north [pesto? whats pesto? its green?] Anyway at one point I was doing food demos in the old food hall in Kendalls [House Of Fraser now] on Deansgate in Manchester trying not to get ragu on the fur coats. Being a rather old fashioned company they had a phone in the middle of the store....with a direct outside line! No more standing in phone boxes on Boundry Lane in Hulme trying to buy the latest front page indie soul 45. Little did I know I'd be working for John and Marrisa [and Richard] four years or so later but then that is the strange nature of a soul boys meandering road. dean
  3. I feel a wants list coming on...So add to add to the sublime agony of the thread I give you: Lorraine Ellison 'Please don't Teach Me To Love You' Dee Dee Warwick 'When I Haven't Got Anything Better to Do' -well lots of Dee Dee really Barbara Lewis 'Hello Stranger' and lots of others if I go upstairs and look but the log mans coming and I've got to handball a ton of firewood in the rain so it'll have to wait. dean
  4. No crossover is something else: midtempo 60/70's records that didn't recieve northern soul exposure [or very little] when first discovered being considered to slow 'n' subtle. Modern soul on the other [see my previous post on this thread] did. I'm now going to lie in a darkened room...or go to work...one or the other. dean
  5. Modern Soul is a term created by the northern soul community to describe records that, by date or design, do not fit into the classic northern format but are/were played on the UK rare soul scene. Away from northern, the term is so vague as to be meaningless, unless you just literally mean new releases. 'Modern Soul' only means something in a northern soul context. Other black music fans would probably be bewildered at something from 1972 being called modern. dean [i've just had a flashback: hasn't this sort of debate been on site before?]
  6. The post office club, while never packed, suffered from an early finnish. It was run by stewards, on a wage, with no interest in staying open late. I do remember being lectured at the bar that Parkers was too commercial. Fun for all the family.
  7. Sounds like the theme music from a 50's horse opera to me.
  8. A couple of things.. First time I went to a nighter, on the train, on my own, got there, went in the pub across the road for a pre-event drink, and complete strangers made me welcome. Some of those guys I still know 35 years later. Second thing: If your gonna have documentries, films, books etc. then the culture is opened up to a wider audiance who might not just get it. Let us face it, debating what 'it' is seems to be soul source's main function and there is a lot of knowledge scattered about on here.. I think I side with the school that says if you have to have it explained you'll never understand. dean
  9. The Jackson Sisters recorded it twice, firstly on their rare LP on Tiger Lilly records, then re-recorded for Polydor [better version actually].Sold the LP for a grand to a Japanese chap about 20 years ago. Six months later a Japanes CD reissue came out...very odd. dean
  10. Some years ago, one sunny Manc. afternoon, in the santas grotto that forms El Dentistos record room, he played it saying it was a £30 jobby but that they'd all been purchased, and I'd missed it. So near yet so far. dean
  11. Studio One is even worse than Blue Note for endlessly reissuing stuff
  12. The question I think was US singers: dusty? Is the great Gladys track northern?Who does the BBC employ to do research? Makes you wonder if the astro-physics questions and answers are equally shabby. dean
  13. Richard Temple 'That Beatin' Rhythm' [mirwood] vg++ £250 Light almost unseen grazing plays perfectly
  14. Thank you most muchly
  15. Hi, Anyone help with clues to id first issue from later issue or bootleg [if there is one]? Many thanks in anticipation of any help dean
  16. At one point Mr. Searling created a label for his cover ups....'Chase That Records'. Makes me smile even now.
  17. I have one for sale
  18. Always wondered what Daves prefered aftershave was.
  19. I've been offered £600 for mine and the covers knackered!
  20. To put in terms of 1930's left wing politics: I'm not a Party Member but more of a fellow traveller.
  22. well its bootlegging a us r+b record for other dj's so its bootlegging
  23. As with many things that are aspects of the rare soul scene there is a president from the sound system scene in 50's/60's Jamaica. It is said that having found a dancefloor hit, Coxsone, having hammered it to death, would press up some copies for the lesser sound systems who would happily pay over the odds for a downbeat 'exclusive'. Sound familiar at all chaps? dean
  24. Lots of great stuff on this thread. Can I add the Dee Dee Warwick LP's on Mercury?
  25. Thank you for your reply: cost me 3/4 quid in the early 80's. Nobody has asked me to DJ northern since the 90's [wouldn't have played it] so i can shuffle round the living room on the odd moment without shame or blame ! many thanks dean

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