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dean jj

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dean jj last won the day on November 25 2017

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  • Top Soul Sound
    marvin gaye 'i want you'

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  1. Thank you...still trying to recover from cancer and full of morphine. £180 plus P+P with F+F. many thanks dean
  2. Yes a reduction if paying F+F.
  3. THE VOICES OF EAST HARLEM 'CASHING IN' [JUST SUNSHINE] M- £200 -Original purchased from the Bowl in the early 80's. F+F will be £180 plus P+P PM if interested cheers dean
  4. PATTI AUSTIN '[I'VE GIVEN] ALL MY LOVE' [CORAL] VG+ £300 -light grazing brings down grade but plays great PM if interested cheers F+F would be £270 plus P+P
  5. Used to play the Joe Battan latin version at the Hacie on a Saturday night. 2000 people [including coaches of northern types without a nighter to go to from Stoke] Good link record beteewn the 60's latin and the left field disco. dean
  6. I've mainly found the rare soul friendly and welcoming...well apart from being punched in the head on the 100 club dancefloor 300 [is that a mis-type] odd years ago while I was dancing and a guy charging off the the floor of the ritz demanding to know why i was staring at him about 200 years ago [could be a mis-type as well]. dean
  7. Roburt I add on royal mails demands and the cost of new packing...this isn't even asking me at all just saying free!
  8. Hi Chaps, Anyone else have this problem, Orders going straight back to the buyer without any p+p added! Anyone know how to get rid of this? many thanks for any help. dean
  9. OK northern is a subculture not a type of music: most of it is but it is too varied. I found as teenager that liking soul and reggae was not only to my taste, but got you girls if you could dance, while heavy metal, pop, or glam didn't so much. Hormones rule! Later I discovered jazz. I noticed later in the eighties in Manchester that the Wheel chappies where much more open minded to new soul music, and a wider selection of black music, than some of the Wigan chappies though if you listen to the recent thread on the Wheel sounds that is slightly incredible. The record collectors on the balcanoy at Wigan [I never went despite being offered a lift] kept northern alive in the 80's while the Mecca boys moved on a bit. All this is generlisation. Why all this debate about pop music? Go listen to a Candi Staton record: deep or dancer and clear your mind. Just a few thoughts and hello to Steve Tulip. Right the morphine has kicked it in now I'm going back to bed. dean
  10. You can take the boy out of soul but you can't take the soul out of the boy. dean
  11. Frank Wilson?Never heard of him. Can't have put many records out.
  12. The heart is young...it's the knees that are old. Now where did the Wife leave her debit card and the front door keys? dean
  13. DONNA MCGHEE 'MAKE IT LAST FOREVER' [RED GREG DEMO] M- VINYL/VG+ SLEEVE £300 -sleeve grade is brought down by a middle split on top edge PM if interested cheers dean
  14. THE DIFFERENCES 'FIVE MINUTES' [MON'CA] VG+ £1200 SOLDXXXXX -mark or two but plays perfectly. PM if interested. cheers dean

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