Remember being given a beat up copy of Footsee as a 14 yr old. Northern was talked about at school and remember the docu with those dancers in the gym doing some effortless back drops, splits etc. About the same time a school mates elder sister who was well into it did me a tape (Dave Mitchell - The Trip, Jackie Wilson -Soul Galore, Jackie Ross - I Cant Help Myself, April Stevens - Wanting You, to mention a few, were on it) That was me hooked. Although I bought a few records from lads at school (I'm sure they were nicking em off older brothers, sisters!) my first official purchase was from a dealer listing on the back page of Black Echoes. Hadn't got a clue what to buy but decided that the £1.50 records must be good as most were £1.25! Gil Scott Heron The Bottle arrived (probably a boot!) and obviously I'd never heard it before! Blew me away. Must have been around 77/78. Don't have it now as everything went in the big mistake of 98! I'm sure a few others have done the same.
Ric F