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St James

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Everything posted by St James

  1. Thanks for putting these 80s forgotten mixes Sean, have really enjoyed them...2 records that stick in my mind from back then: Come Get It - Swamp Dog Originals - Down to Love Town Great times indeed Best, Ric F
  2. Have a few of his records incl a Peruvian Subway Joe and this one fairly recently...definitely a fan...I find his 60s mono LPs are tough to acquire tho Ric
  3. Hi...still looking for a clean copy of the above if someone wants to part with it...please pm price/condition etc thanks Ric F
  4. Occasional DJ to be honest but I've played this a few times...US copy £20...U.K. EMI demo £3.50... https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=NT3uHXwOnNM Ric F
  5. still looking for this on Copperstate in VG or better...please pm price condition etc...thanks Ric F
  6. Really enjoyed your set Steve...that Benjamin & the Right Direction had passed me by...sorted now, cheers ....a cracking night as always Ric F
  7. There's one on Joe Dunlops sales list from Saturday...
  8. Thanks for the sound clip Kirsty... I can't recall it from back then...its a cool track tho
  9. Sorry to have dragged this up from 9 years ago lol....Anyway, I'm sure I had this off Dave Raistrick in the early 80s...it was on a sales tape as the last track featuring the "Summers Groove" side which if I remember is an instru which starts off pretty good but then goes a bit rubbish after a minute or so...Of course the tape only featured the good bit...needless to say I bought it £5...and was somewhat underwhelmed...to my shame I cannot remember the other side and the copy is long gone...shame I would have liked to have heard it... Regards Ric F
  10. Pm'd you Barry...
  11. Looking for a VG + or better...please pm price and condition thanks Ric
  12. Hi Mark...was at that alldayer and had travelled on a bus from Boston getting picked up in Spalding...didn't know that many on the board....any ways at the end realised I'd got left behind!!! so stranded at the St Ivo... Watched everyone leave, including Nev Wherry...me and me mate even helping him load his records in the boot. Actually skipped college to go to the funeral in Nottingham, thumbing it some of the way...a real friendly guy who I remember playing a request I'd asked for, even tho I was some young kid at his first allnighter in Bretton...as he announced it he looked at me and gestured to get on the dance floor the request? Gary Haines....if you're wondering...me dad turned out to pick us up lol A great feature by the way Ric F
  13. Want an orig 7" in VG+ condition or better...please pm price and condition if you're looking to move a copy on... cheers, Ric
  14. it was around this time at a Soul nite in a pub near the Butter Market in Peterborough city centre that I was basically picked out by a gang to take a beating...I surprised the tosser winding me up by decking him...unfortunately Alan Darker who was with us at the time took a few punches holding the others back as we scrapped by the bar...they got chucked out and it took a bit of negotiating to get out of Peterborough in one piece...only time I ever had trouble at a do...as for the Fleet...after EASC finished musically it went a bit stagnant so didn't go that often...went to the Eddie Holman, Jnr Walker Warina allnighter...Major Lance was booked but didn't turn up..happy days
  15. Looking for the following records: Trends - Dance With Me Baby - Smash SORTED Roy Hamilton - She Makes Me Wanna Dance - MGM Please PM price and condition etc if your looking to move them on Thanks for your time Ric
  16. Teasin Me - Red Sun (Sorted) Wind Me Up - Yellow Horizon (242101) vg+ or better please pm with details thanks Ric
  17. Looking for a VG + copy 45....Please pm price & condition....uk buyer payment via PayPal.... Thanks Ric
  18. Thanks for the info ...I'd seen it but ideally want it on 7"
  19. Looking for a VG + or better....if you're willing to part with it or have a spare please PM with price condition etc... Best regards, Ric
  20. Dave...it's a vinyl issue with the following on the run out: W at 8 O'clock 65C - 9290 - 1 at 5 O'clock a mark that looks like a strawberry with an s in it at 4 O'clock faint L W at 3 O'clock A T at 2 O'clock clock face based on my copy as label position would vary...lovely copy and I'm pretty sure I bought it via SS sales
  21. Eyes are ok...it's me friggin memory! Every time the Crazy Baby boot question is discussed, I have to go and check... A T in the run out ...so it's still legit
  22. preceded by some sort of health warning anyway try Tony Middleton "Spanish Maiden" followed by Joe Bataan "Subway Joe"
  23. Looking for a VG + or better....please PM details...issue or demo thanks Ric
  24. For me it's gotta be Mikki Farrow

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