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Russ Vickers

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Everything posted by Russ Vickers

  1. Still looking....
  2. Steve, Im not sure how I managed to 'quote' you, I didn't mean to do that, it was a general comment, so apologies mate.... Russ
  3. So we know there are at least 13 'Cant Be Bothered's'.....just wondered why you cant be bothered ??? Russ
  4. Push....
  5. Soul Searchers - Save a Soul in Every Town - Nasboro Please PM condition & price. Money waiting with immediate payment for the right copy. Many thanks Russ
  6. C'mon guys, no messin, money waiting NOW..... Russ
  7. You go to 'where its at'....being based darn sarf, on the South Coast, if you want anything other than half arsed handbag events, (with the exception of a few), & especially if you are keeping it real & going to where the proper scene still is, All Nighters, you have no choice, you get on ya bike, it is how it is & pretty much how it has always been, Northern softies are spoilt, with events on their doorstep, comparitively speaking & in a lot of cases still cant be arsed judging by the poll.
  8. Wanted: Joe Johnson - Sounds Forever - Gran - Mil -John - LP Please PM with price & condition, immediate payment for the right copy. Thank you for your help guys Best Russ
  9. What in the name of all things holy, has being a 'Rare Soul' night got to do with anything....I have no idea why anyone would not want to attend an event advertised as a Rare Soul Night, many of them moldie oldies cost a fortune....but theyre acceptable right ???....its just another excuse for the knobs to twist terminology, theyre frightened to death that if they attended they'd be dicovered for the Walter Mitties that most of em are.....personally anyone that would not attend an event advertised as a Rare Soul Night/Nighter, I wouldnt want in the gaff anyway......OMG give me strength....your night was very good on the nights I attended Dave, you should be very proud of your achievments at the Uni mate & thats got nothing to do with the music policy, I'm just referring to keeping the Walts out lol....hope you are well mate.
  10. Trust me Stevie, if you have ever promoted on the South Coast you would know it is done for the pure love of the music, no money in any 'authentic' scene down here....you asked for advise etc & you got it....if thats not what you wanted to hear then Im sorry, but once you've thought it over a bit, Alfie, as I said earlier runs Southampton Soul Club, he's a good man & a great promoter. Russ
  11. Hey Stevie, what I actually said was, that if the other promoters that you mention (bar one), were doing it, I would not attend.... You can actually refer to me by name by the way, you asked for opinions, Im giving you an honest one, something you might not get from everyone who has messaged you privately. Russ
  12. Good, Alfie has replied. Russ
  13. Hi Steve, apologies if you are disgruntled with my honest reply, but rest assured it would have been unprintable if the others you mention had been invovlved & bar one, no I would deffo not attend, thats no reflection on you though. Alfie Linney runs Southampton Soul Club, he knows the local scene & has run some of the largest & most successful events in the area....he is a very nice unassuming bloke, & IMHO it would be a good move to get him involved, he would be able to give you an honest & unbiased opinion. Best Russ
  14. By the look of things, I think the guy is from Manchester, I may be wrong, so why put a promotion on in Southampton ???. Agree with Bearsy, with a couple of exceptions, the scene is 100% handbag....& they bite !!! Russ
  15. Deleted my original post & decided to keep my big mouth shut. Russ
  16. When it first surfaced on a 45, it was one track on one of those white label E.P's with other unissued Motown tracks, it plays at 331/3 actually...was a boot, so not an official release, but was the first time on a 7.
  17. All godd thanks Neil, hope you are too... Best Russ
  18. Depending on condition, about £1000 mate... Best Russ
  19. I dont think it will affect the price TBH, but Im just a bit dissapointed it has been done so soon, it wont stop my personal enjoyment of the record & Im pleased I have it, but it will tarnish it a bit for me as a record I would DJ with. Hey ho....at least everyone can enjoy it for themselves now legally.... Russ
  20. Any legal re issue of a good soul record has to be applauded. The thing that frustrates me personally, is when records are re released before they have really reached their full potential....its slightly pointless too, because if they were to wait just a wee while there would be an even greater demand for the legally re issued product. I dont want to go in to specifics, but when a record is re issued & is availabale to everyone, it does take the mystique away as a 'play' record.....having paid a fair amount of money for a record last year, that is known ish, but definitly not over played in any way, I'm slightly miffed that it has been re issued recently, when its potential has no where near reached its pinnacle....at least they're legal I suppose, if it had been a boot it would have REALLY hurt lol. Just my thoughts, yes, re issue em legally, but if the record is still relatively unknown & DJ's are still working it, at least wait until there is a demand before the release. You can all do your worst now, I'm waiting to be assasinated verbally, but Im just trying to be honest lol Russ
  21. And Glynnis his Missus was always in her slippers at Soul do's....Glynnis also passed a while back....so sad, just looked at the picture posted earlier & find it hard to imagine that guy is Mick Webb, I knew Mick off n on for about the last 20 odd years, but he always looked old in the time I knew him lol....always supported my promotions did Mick n Glynnis, will be missed for sure.... RIP Cockney Mick Webb
  22. In my humble opinion Crossover is the bastard child of Northern & Modern Soul - roughly speaking between the years of '68 - '73, although I would argue personally that it extends a little further into the 7ts than that. It was a period in time when production tequniques were improving, from the raw 6ts sound recordings on 4 track, but before they had become too sophisticated with the dawn of the Philly Sound & Disco. Like most things, there is an overlap & it is as much about a 'sound' as it is a period in time, thing is, you have to have the ear to recognise it, some of the weird explanations on this thread are frankly laughable, possibly because they are coming from folk who are actually more into Northern Soul, nothing wrong with that, but you cannot listen to Crossover from a purely NS perspective. There are many, many records that the NS Scene have adopted from the Crossover Scene & jolly good that is too & Im all for it, but a lot of these records prior to the 8ts (stand fast the last hour at the Mecca ?), would never have been considered NS in the traditional sense. I liken the explanation & understanding of Crossover as a genre of the British Soul Scene, to explaining Northern Soul to someone who knows what soul music is, but has no real idea what NS is, I hope that explanation will help some on the NS Scene to 'get' how difficult & frustarating that can be. To be fair, Ivor, Dave, Sean & Steve to name but four, have done a great job, but some of the totally off the mark explanations & examples of Crossover on here are plain mumbo jumbo & have no bearing what so ever on Crossover, no wonder people get confused. Russ x

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