I cant really add a lot to what has already been said, but Ian is an awesome DJ & inspired to say the least, a really friendly, knowledgeable guy who always has time for people & great laugh too, for me he's up there with Richard Searling as one of the all time greats.
It would be totally unfair not to mention Ians huge contribution to the Modern scene also.
Aswell as the records already mentioned, I would like to add Franky & Johnny, Soul Communicators, Bernie Williams & many many many others, a lot of which travelled very well & in some cases were attributed to other DJ's/Venues, ................personal faverourites were Ramona Collins & the fantastic Tony Middleton - Spanish Maiden.
He personally inspired me with regards to playing sets of records together that were very diverse at times, but deffo worked, the venues that influenced the whole NS Scene for the better, were the venues where Ian graced the decks Yate, 100 Club & Stafford to name a few, but there were many more including the Modern Venues.
I miss Ian's presence on the scene & I really hope that Ian will DJ at some point again, I know I'll be at the front of the line.
I f you read this mate, say hello to the rest of the family & I hope all is well.