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Everything posted by Bruceleee

  1. Can any one help with these???.Thank You.
  2. Hi, Please pm me with condition etc if you have the following for sale. The Perfections-Love Storm (drive lable). Positive Sounds - Your the one i need. Royal Jesters-Girl i can't forget. Soul Experience-I'm so glad i found you. Thanks
  3. Also want-Highlighters-Have a little faith.Entertainers IV -My garden of eden.Thanks again.
  4. Hi,I'm still looking for -Sharon Clarke and the products of time-That's a good reason (yoda)label.Soul Experience,I'm so glad i found you(smoke)label.Lee Williams and Cymbals-I'm just a teenager.Please pm me if you have these 45s in ex shape thanks.
  5. If anyone has a ex copy of -Soul Experience,I'm so glad i found you-smoke label.Sharon Clark and products of time,That's a good reason.Please pm me with a reasonable price.Thanks
  6. Oops,My poor excuse is that it was the early hours of the morning when i put my wants list out-lol.Thank you both for correcting my error concerning "Soul Experience" 45.
  7. Hi,looking for:Smoke,I'm so glad i found you-smoke label.Sharon Clark and products of time,that's a good reason.Must be ex etc.Thanks
  8. Hi,Looking for:The Combinations,why-kellmac label.Sharon Clarke and products of time-Thats a good reason.James Bell and the hightlighters band,The love of my girl(RE-ISSUE copy.Thanks
  9. Hi Philip,i pm'd you
  10. Lol
  11. Charles Brimmer,feelings in my heart.Royal Jesters,Girl i can't forget.Doc and Sal,My dream.Ex etc condition please.Thanks.
  12. Voltaire's My,My, My Baby-bacone.The Flairs,I Want You-Southtown.Ex..please no hop,skip or popping sounds.Thanks for looking.
  13. Sorted
  14. Looking for -Tommy Turner,I'll be gone.Karen Small,To get you back again.Thanks
  15. Hi,looking for symphonic four -who do you think your fooling -zudan 45.ex please,thanks.
  16. Hi Flanny,i pm'd you.
  17. Moonlightes-lonely Baby.Also need,Del Rays-Mama was right .The Soul Fay-Young Girl.Thanks
  18. Hi,Thanks for info,but according to Phil list it's sold.
  19. Hi,looking for The Huns Review,don't make me love you.Eddie and Ernie-Indication.Moonlighters-Lonely Baby.Thanks
  20. Hi,still looking for -Ronnie West,Lil Women.The Moonlighters,Lonely Baby.Thanks
  21. Check out popsike.

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