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About Bruceleee

  • Birthday October 31

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere within the solar system
  • Interests
    Mind/Body and Soul.........
  • Top Soul Sound
    Cecile Campbell-Whisper to me. Wailing Souls-Trouble Maker. George Scott-My Neighborhood. Soul Chargers- My heart beats for you.

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  1. Hi There, Anyone with a NM copy on the ekim kaiddz soul power label for sale? please pm me. Thanks
  2. Hi There, Anyone with a NM on the ekim kaiddz soul power label for sale? please pm me. Thanks
  3. Time won't change you - Looking for VG++ Thanks
  4. Sorted Thanks
  5. Hi All. Looking for a EX-copy Please pm with price etc Thanks
  6. pm'd you
  7. Looking for a clean copy of Wilma Scott's, it's a mean world -Thanks
  8. Rest in peace Boba Bancroft.
  9. Any leads on these?.Thanks
  10. Hi,Please pm with price and condition.Royal Jesters-Girl i can't forget(jester label).Moonlighters-Lonely Baby(Lamp). t Techniques vi -How can you win(Twink).Thanks
  11. Malcolm,I don't get it,you sent me a postive constructive pm,but here your suggesting i “ignore people”??? lol.What is this some type of character assassination or my knuckles being rapped for public entertainment?.I have bought lots records here on soulsource from various dealers for nearly 5 years.Most from people who have responded to my wants list.I got back to you didn't i?.Let's move on and recover from yesterday's full moon
  12. Lol,malcolm please don't patronise me with your above message.I was considering the best offers and would have gotten back to you!.I will now pm you my decision.
  13. Also looking for Eugene Evans, Too much pain. Thanks
  14. Hi, I am looking for the following 45s: Cookie Scott-Mislead, B-side with instrumental version. Techniques iv-How can you win. Royal Jesters-Girl i can't forget. Please pm me with price and condition Thanks

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