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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Congrats on your sale Nancy........an enviable 45 to own....... Tried selling me kids for £6K and not a fcukin' sniff......bet now its sold I'll get inundated with offers!
  2. Jockos arse is bound to be far more spotty than that....and way less pert..... Does anyone have a link to the article Costas wrote......?
  3. Just to satisfy my curiosity I tried it again and it levvys the charge on the hotmail address I was sending to, but not to another different hotmail address? This was from a balance, not a CC or DC. How bizzarre is that? ...and no, it wasn't a Cyprus Paypal Account that the Hotmail addy was linked to ;o)
  4. Think you'll find it depends on amount you are sending and for some bizzarre reason it seems to charge more for Hotmail address....well it did for the one I was sending to? I know it used to charge for CC, but from balance payments is was usually free most the time.... Seems to be free on lower amounts so maybe if £100 or more?
  5. I just checked with smaller amount and fees changed. Also fees increased on a Hotmail email address......?
  6. Sent a paypal gift payment last night, and sent another this morning. I notice the format has changed overnight, no longer called a gift as such, but asks if you are buying goods, or sending money to friends or family. The latter now carries a 55p charge if from balance funds, or £4.99 if from CC or DC.....and highlights you are not covered by paypal protection if you choose the friends & family option......
  7. Got a signed plain white sleeve for this with 3 signatures on it inc Rufus Lumley that came with a copy I bought a few years back...sleeve is also stamped WORLD TRADE FAIR and have heard copies were either given away or sold at a WTF..?
  8. Rest in peace Micky, it was a pleasure and an honour to have known you. Mace
  9. Sure Ezzie had a Meg Myles but can't recall if it was UK?
  10. Once again, listing a sale up for a mate who can't access his SS account and needs a few bob at the moment. Ex Conditon - £150 but will consider fair offers around this amount. Please do NOT PM me....to buy or make an offer please phone/text Richard Sturgess 07958349045 Joe Dutton, this includes YOU !
  11. Hi Callum... Track 6 (12.36mins in) on the Xmas 2011 JW mix....though sounds slighty faster on this mix to me......killer break... https://www.jesterwild.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=42&Itemid=42
  12. Many thanks Jason & Ricardo for heads up......copy now on way......lesser condition but plays okay and price was fair....if anyone sources a nicer copy meanwhile please let me know as would prefer to upgrade if poss....
  13. Got to disagree Matt, in fact Michael offered to sell me the Eloise Carter last night, but whilst it's a good record it doesn't really set it self apart from the many other femme R&B shouters out there....
  14. Rich tells me that this is now sold ...... Moreso though, please.....no more PMs from the pervs who have enquired about the above pic of a young Joe Dutton. I appreciate that he does indeed look camper than a row of pink tents, but he strongly rejects any suggestion that he's up for any of the 'games' and 'get togethers' that have been requested. He also insists he's all man, originates from Yorkshire, and frequently eats parts of farmyard animals most folk wouldn't feed to a rabid dog.... ...kinnell...... who says the camera never lies eh!..........................
  15. Thought $388 would pinch it to be honest Callum....had me snipe set at $288 and decided to fling another $100 on top last minute. Now stop having a nosey at what I'm after and fcuk off back to the funky soul brigade so you can waste yer hard earned there..... ;o)
  16. Just had me arse smacked by Mr Robinson whilst bidding for the one on ebay..... Will pay $400 for nice clean copy.... Cash / Paypal / Sexual favours from Joe Dutton........any terms really! Ta muchly Mace
  17. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.... FANNY MAGNET......
  18. Still available.......thanks for PM Joe. However, whilst you might have managed to secure the odd 45 off Hoss with offers of sexual favours, your arse is way too hairy for my taste....... Well, that's what Angus tells me....
  19. Listing this up for a mate who can't access his SS account at moment. Ex Conditon - £125 all in (incs special del postage) Will consider offers. Please do NOT PM me....phone/text Richard Sturgess 07958349045
  20. C'mon Warren, grow a pair and list 'em up with prices.....
  21. Can you still check the stock level on Craig Moerers website? If you typed 99 into quantity when in your shopping cart, it used to reveal exactly how many copies were available, whereas now it just removes the item from your shopping cart........can someone test and let me know if same happens for you? Regards Mace
  22. Hi, did you get a copy of Fujiyama Mama ? If not let me know as pretty sure I've got a copy somewhere? Regards Mace
  23. Think Nev is right Pete.....my understanding is that Int Signed for requires signature at delivery whereas Airsure doesn't.
  24. Duffy Power ?

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