I'm as guilty as anyone as I haven't been since last year , but I was going anyway in May , so that will be rectified . I think Keith Money has probably been really missed this year , though I'm sure his substitute Joel has been superb judging by reports .I think the 100 club has suffered a little like Wigan towards the end , you knew it was always there , and that you could go anytime ..this is probably a big mistake to make judging by Ady's introduction to this thread , as mentioned elsewhere , I'll wager May will be a packer . Also I go to a few venues , but hardly ever see any flyers for 100 club , Ady at least one of our Banbury crowd go out each weekend , you're more than welcome to send some flyers up for us to distribute .These are difficult times for everyone , but there are some great fresh DJ's and music out there , who could lighten up the dance floor with some guest appearances I'm sure .Hang in there Ady , you've come to far to end it now ....Best wishes ,Eddie