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Everything posted by soulfulmartin

  1. Deary, deary me!! Most of the comments on here are just what I expected from you lot of tired old chinstrokers!! Even one who says he doesn't want youngsters on the scene!! FFS!! Nice programme and thanks boys and girls............. you did us proud!!
  2. Soooooooooooooo lookin forward to this!! See you all on the 30th!!
  3. Now on BBC iPlayer!!
  4. Brilliant!!........................average age of these guys?? At least half of most on the UK scene today!!! The scene WILL live, with or without chinstrokers!!
  5. Well said, Bearsy.............you have!!
  6. What??? FFS!!!!!
  7. in fact here are the "Robin Hood " crew (Edwinstowe) stompin proper ! https://www.youtube.c...feature=related Im' on the right pete KTF ************************************************************************************************************ P M S L !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I've heard that Mary Fox may not be doing her Soul & Motown Show any more on BBC Radio Stoke!! Is this true??!!
  9. soulfulmartin

    every little helps

  10. soulfulmartin

    stoke 101

    Stonkin pics, m8!! They really capture the passion, atmosphere & friendship that is KINGS HALL!! Many thanks for posting!! KTF Martin

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