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Everything posted by ulyssees

  1. Many thanks for the link, very interesting. Yule.
  2. Very interesting, so not a valuable item. Has anyone ever seen a first issue Charger Demo? KIR Yule
  3. Bought a copy of Dobie Grays Out On The Floor on red Charger back in the 60's, paid exactly then what you would now......next to nothing. It's always there at any record fair, sales box, car boot. So got to thinking, is there any issue of this record that is valuable? I also love the fact that one of the greatest tunes is also one of the cheapest. KIR Yule
  4. Bit late but let me say in reply that Pete Roberts opening of the old Wheel premises gave me the best soul nights of my life and I can go back to the late sixties, I miss the old place but thanks for the memories Pete and John.
  5. Posted this thread in 2009 and we are still going strong (er) the R&B scene helping Too.
  6. It's a bit like the adage about water filling the space available or work filling the time available, a venue of 2000 will attract 2000 and word of mouth will spread more rapidly therefore building the scene and making it more famous which leads to more customers, a smaller venue would have a reduced effect. The Casino was the largest venue up to then and it cannot be a coincidence that the popularity of the scene was greater than at any time in the previous ten years. STF
  7. Had the Casino only have had a capacity of 500 would the northern scene still be as it is today? KOKO Yule.
  8. Temptations Greatest Hits Vol 1
  9. I was at that Palais all dayer and bought a Mel Britt, it was common knowledge they were bootlegs.
  10. Rarity can lie in the fact that some records seldom come up for sale although scores exist. In his book "The Record Men" (about the very early days of Chess records), Rich Cohen writes that Leonard Chess would run off 3000 copies of every released disc. This was in the mid 50's before Chuck Berry and Bo Diddley arrived at the company.
  11. After the recent discussions regarding the Darrell Banks London issue, what would now be considered as the holy grail of UK collecting? Yule.
  12. Cheers Mick, was aware of the other issues, but never knew about the Brunswick one, what year was that Many thanks. Yule.
  13. as a new record collector in the late 60's I was told that Dobie Grays "Out On The Floor" was issued on UK Pye Intl as a demo, never happened as I later discovered, or did it? Or how close did it come to UK release? Yule.
  14. Cufflinks big as big bird eggs, Shoes made out of Alligator hide. Clarence Carter, Looking for a fox. Yule.
  15. Only your love can save me b/w I feel good all over. Betty Lavette. One side terrific stomper, one side lovely ballad.
  16. When did applauding a record start? Yule
  17. All for a young crowd keeping the scene alive but please dont imagine that the twirly skirts and badges were ever cool, they weren't. Keep it going but drop the uniform it makes us all look sad. Yule
  18. Have never seen any photos from inside the Torch or Catacombs, are there any out there? Yule
  19. I left school in 68 and worked with a few people who were Wheel goers, by the time Wigan opened they had been off the scene years, can remember one guy whose last nighter was in 66. Once went to a soul night and saw a guy from work he was 21, people were saying "whats he doing here". I still get around but haven't seen any of my old workmates at a soul do for 30 odd years. Yule
  20. Thoroughly enjoyed the Culture Show documentary, as with anything if you are too close to the subject it is too easy to pick fault but I found very little to fault here. The people were genuine Northern fans and the presenter came over as a true enthusiast who like the rest of us was bitten by the soul bug and a decent dancer too. Elaines comments were spot on and her passion was evident, the upcoming film looks promising as well. As someone has already commented they avoided the obvious Frank Wilson references and I did expect an I'm on my way moment to close the show especially as it mostly centred around the Casino but no, instead, they closed with a lovely two minutes that was truly original. It's always a problem trying to explain to non Northern people what the scene is all about, you try to keep it short but at some point the listeners eyes glaze over and you know you've lost their attention but you could do worse than point them in the direction of this programme. Well done all involved. 10/10 Yule
  21. O.k. to my mind the best looking record labels are USA Moonshot and Brunswick UK Verve Demo, Cameo Parkway issue No argument there then. Yule.
  22. Many thanks chalky Yule
  23. These lyrics been going through my head all day," Cant have been my brother 'cos he was in Vietnam" and "Somebody been sneakin' thru my back door", Pretty sure I have it on CD but cant track it down. Answers please. Yule.
  24. The way I heard it was that any record with a drill hole was exempt from import duty. Hence the majority of record imports found in UK have these holes. Keep on the good foot.
  25. Can't remember which one but Earl Van Dykes "All For You" was used as theme music for one of the shows, anyone remember which? See you at Blackhearts. Yule.

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