Thoroughly enjoyed the Culture Show documentary, as with anything if you are too close to the subject it is too easy to pick fault but I found very little to fault here. The people were genuine Northern fans and the presenter came over as a true enthusiast who like the rest of us was bitten by the soul bug and a decent dancer too. Elaines comments were spot on and her passion was evident, the upcoming film looks promising as well. As someone has already commented they avoided the obvious Frank Wilson references and I did expect an I'm on my way moment to close the show especially as it mostly centred around the Casino but no, instead, they closed with a lovely two minutes that was truly original.
It's always a problem trying to explain to non Northern people what the scene is all about, you try to keep it short but at some point the listeners eyes glaze over and you know you've lost their attention but you could do worse than point them in the direction of this programme.
Well done all involved. 10/10