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Everything posted by casinocasualty

  1. Please PM me price & condition. cheers.
  2. And another want bites the DU$T !
  3. not expensive, anyone with a spare gimme a shout,
  4. Still looking........ Anybody?
  5. pm'd you.
  6. I'll second that !
  7. Reasonable price please..... P.M. me. Sorry, it should say "you really grab me ".
  8. Reasonable price only thanks. P.M. me. - Now Sorted Thanks.
  9. Please PM me with Reasonable price. Cheers.
  10. It's the Satellite copy i'm after. thanks anyway.
  11. Can someone help me out on this?
  12. Artistics..... gets me everytime. those strings are like a breeze blowing through.
  13. All the lead off the roof & 22 kilos of copper piping.
  14. WANTED - The Ideals, Go Go Gorilla / Kissing won't go out of style. Satellite records. please pm me with price & condition.
  15. Please PM me with Price & condition. 1st release only. NOW SORTED THANKS.
  16. P.M.d you.

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