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Everything posted by MarkMywurds

  1. I apologise if this has been posted in the wrong area, but.... I have a couple of questions relative to the value of my vinyl collection. One concerns establishing & verifying their condition for the purposes of valuation & insurance. The other is how to realise the best price of any that I may wish to sell. To flesh out my first question, it occurs to me that any record of value should be verified as a genuine article & its condition established so that the value may be estimated. I don’t see the point in an expert valuing each record as the prices fluctuate year on year, the worth generally increasing. Does anybody else agree with that &, if so, know of any trustworthy body that would be willing to certify the condition of my collection? The second question is self explanatory but I should clarify that I am probably unusual in that, fortunately, I hung on to my records from the 70’s. Some of them I still love to this day whilst others I am unlikely to ever wish to play again. Can anybody make any (genuine!) suggestions as to how I should proceed, please?

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