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Everything posted by Gilly

  1. think we all should buy War and Peace, this shit aint going away for a long time yet, more so with these thieving bastards in power
  2. Hi, important you send an email to gillybook@btinternet.com thats all you have to do for now, cheers
  3. I hope so mate, too many clouds all round right now. enjoy x
  4. Hey, thanks for that, i havnt got a clue on those sort of things, nice one
  5. no i dont mate, they may be one but it was a Facebook The 45s ran by Steve Green
  6. Not doing flavors Steve, 'food' for thought though x
  7. Very shortly before i receive the printed books i will email everyone for their addresses and for payment. Its gonna be a massive task to get them out pre Christmas, but we will. Thanks for your interest, means a lot x
  8. Hi everyone, we are still working hard to get this book out in November, it's scary times as we all know so lets hope it doesn't delay the release and intended November delivery to your door step. Come on, what else are you going to do at Christmas except that is drink far too much on Xmas eve, eat too much on Xmas day, eat too much cold turkey on Boxing day, have a row with her indoors, the neighbors, you've shouted at the dog, you've kicked the cat (we know a song about that) and because you've kicked the cat ended up having another row with her indoors. So the moral of the story is buy this easy to read book of mine, (I know it's easy, I wrote it) it will make you laugh, cry, and tell you things you didn't know, and some photos that haven't been seen before. With this book I can now tell you is a free CD because a fair chunk of my stories link back to Ady Croasdel and ACE/KENT in that most of the Dave Hamilton masters got the release's long overdue through that company as I and others started the whole thing off from day one. Some of these songs you will know and some you will have never heard before, and they are not likely to ever be released onto CD again, trust me. And if you don't like the 'free' CD have another row with her indoors, not me. The CD is for the first 1000 books sold only, we are up to 800 at the moment. Last thing, I still plan to donate a modest sum of money to Kettering General Hospital (stroke unit) and I have said before, having experienced a stroke, its the last thing on your mind, right up until it (and i hope it never does) happens. That donation will be for those wonderful people, the people on the front line, not the Hospital manager's, something for them to benefit from. (maybe a microwave or similar, i'm open to suggestions) If you do want a book, (more details at the beginning of this thread) make sure you have emailed to gillybook@btinternet.com (if you have already done that, please don't repeat) it's all noted. Please don't have a row with her indoors on Christmas day, she can read it after you! I love my music, and I love my friends Gilly
  9. Willie Kendrick's and a lot taken from that LP that Richard Searling did the sleeve notes to if i remember correctly. Blowing up my mind was another one
  10. I think a lot of these guys would write songs then push them around the city to generate any interest in the hope that someone might do a deal in someway
  11. I remember there was a lot of Pied Piper RCA stuff used a lot, too much in fact
  12. Written by George McGregor, who freelanced as well as a session drummer, ive always thought it was for Dave Hamilton. I did get a backing track to this song on a acetate from Dave's on one of my visits.
  13. 'I Searched for Soul, and Found the Stars' OK, just an update to let everyone know things are running nicely, and still on for November delivery. For those who are unsure what this book is all about, here is a brief rundown. It tells of the 5 trips I made to Detroit 1985/8/90/92/94 with various people from the UK and what we got up to. Its not about the facts of the musical world of Detroit, a lot of that information can be read on the internet. Rest assured though it does contain facts that most wont know, and told to me 'from the horses mouth' as they say. I and my traveling companions were for the most part the very first to meet these Stars outside of the States, but not only that we spent quality time also, and it has always been my ambition to credit, put into words in the form of a book, something that the history of Detroit music has omitted to date. Their story needs to be told, they and their children need to read just what an impact they had on our lives. For more details go to page 1 of this thread. Thank you Richard 'Gilly' Gilbert
  14. thanks mate, just place your interest in the form of an email to gillybook@btinternet.com cheers
  15. from me, just an update in saying thank you for all the responses, make sure you send any requirements to the dedicated email address..... gillybook@btinternet.com cheers
  16. Wonderful memories of a good lads night out, oh and the records too. We have all had wonderful experiences in our lives, just knowing each other for decades having met at the allnighters, and sharing the digging trips, not just finding records but the great things alongside of it all. And still we are all good friends, don't see one another like we used to, but no less the friendship. catch up soon i hope Jordie boys x
  17. send email mate to gillybook@btinternet.com
  18. I had intended to do that, it's still food for thought. Thanks Fiona, and me old boss Ady of course.
  19. Thanks for the response in this matter, everyone who has used the dedicated email gillybook@btinternet.com there is gladly too many to reply individually, but it's all noted. thanks Gilly. I will be in touch
  20. read the main page and it tells you everything you need to know, and thank you
  21. Dont worry mate you will get one, I will contact you via email
  22. A few quotes from story one; "We followed "Popcorn" into his home, he called out Gloria's name for her to come and say hello, she was this most beautiful lady, stunning, I think the word is." "On entering the house on the far side of the family room were some French windows through which I could see a small garden that surrounded the swimming pool. Gloria made a point of saying that anytime we wished to take a dip then it was all ours. The temperature was well up that day and I must admit it was very tempting but by the poolside stood the family pet Alsatian, showing a full set of sharp white teeth and growling like he wanted to be included in "Popcorn's" latest composition as a backing vocalist. Maybe we would give the pool a miss today but thanks all the same."
  23. The response so far, warms the heart, and makes ones eyes water. Thank you all x

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