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Everything posted by Gilly

  1. Has to be this event as you post
  2. pm you
  3. Hi everyone, as far as I know we are up to date with book orders, paid and dispatched. (990 so far) and of course many thanks to the people who have supported me in this project, and happy to have sent £500 to Kettering General Hospital. There has been a few people who have asked where their book is, and the main reason for any delay is payment has been sent to the wrong address or bank transfer details have been incorrect. If you are awaiting a book that you believe has not reached you please get in touch so we can rectify the problem. I will remind you of the payment details : PayPal gillybook@btinternet.com or Bank Transfer Richard Gilbert 07-16-60 66603373 Don't forget your ref details and address, so many people have not done this. PayPal FF payments does not always send the address. Contact me at gillybook@btinternet.com or richard.gilbert9@btinternet.com or message me privately on here Soul Source or phone 07934 246 361
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  4. Letter from KGH saying they have received the cheque to the value of £500 from the sales of my book 'I Searched for Soul and Found the Stars' Thank you the buyers of this book, and thank you Nicola Anderson who did more than help on getting 980 books out the door, not bad for a couple of complete novices.
  5. Just like to thank the buyers of my book that has enabled me to keep my promise in donating a modest amount of money to the Kettering General Hospital (stroke unit) you are also "Now Stars"
  6. yes, match the videos with the book, and if you are not familiar with all the tunes i mention, YT is where you can look. you wont find a sample of the acetate on page 64 though many thanks for the feed back
  7. A labor of love they call it, anyone who thinks this is an easy thing to do, try it. Thanks
  8. thanks, good people indeed
  9. in its day it was a Chicago bible, but like most things, remember that was pre internet, so much more information has come about. A little like the old Philadephia book, then Dave Moore wrote his fine book that blew that out of the water
  10. I spoke to Robert recently and i think he said he was going to update it, its a book that i often look at.
  11. Hi Nick, would you contact me either privately on here, or email me richard.gilbert9@btinternet.com Thanks Gilly
  12. Hi everyone, release date for my book is the 1st Feb. Just looking for full payment and your address's If you have PayPal then send £24.95 for the book adding £4.70 for PP that's first class signed for to gillybook@btinternet.com If you don't have a PayPal facility then email me personally; richard.gilbert9@btinternet.com and I will give you the relevant details on how to pay Can I ask you not to clog up this forum with comments please. Thank-you for your continued loyalty. Gilly and Nicola
  13. The label is KE KE just saying
  14. If you do send a deposit, put your address within, it will save a lot of time
  15. Early New Year will hopefully bring a delivery of my forthcoming book 'I Searched for Soul and Found the Stars' this year has been traumatic for everyone, and no less for this pre-planned Christmas stocking filler in the form of a book that made it impossible to deliver on time. Of all the 100s of orders, not one person has faltered from their original interest in buying a copy. (I thank you) I've started to take a small deposit. (this will not affect the original list of orders sent to the dedicated email address should it go over the 1000 mark (its getting close) and qualify you for a free CD) Please send £5 to PayPal gillybook@btinternet.com If you don't use PayPal just send me a private message. Many thanks, I'ts going to happen soon
  16. well you aint lost your humor mate
  17. I got told i was a liar, as it didnt exist.
  18. I used to have UK copy of Queen of Fools issue mint, wonder what that would fetch theses days
  19. For those people who are on Facebook as well as here will know things have gone tits up No I haven't got covid . But my poor book has. Apparently the entire publishing world is struggling, juggling book launch backlogs. Even the big boys so little old me (and lovely young you) will have to wait a bit I'm afraid. But you know what they say "A book's not just for Christmas" So looks like a early 2021 launch. But we ain't gonna let that spoil the party, see you on the 5th December(Boris permitting) Its always been in the back of my mind that this pandemic may affect things, one of the reasons I haven't taken deposits. Please stick with me, 159 people have added words of encouragement on Facebook, god I needed that.
  20. Thanks, hows the wifes brother
  21. thanks buddy That was my younger brother x
  22. I Searched for Soul and Found the Stars. Please, if you wish to order a book make sure you have sent an email to gillybook@btinternet.com thats all you have to do for now. When I receive the books from the printers I will reply to your email in seeking address details and payment details. Please respect I do not know peoples 'Soul Source' names. If you have already made contact via the email gillybook@btinternet.com please don't repeat the email (unless you want to increase your purchase) With these currant cov 19 problems, things have not progressed as quick as I hoped but we are still on for a Santa delivery, even if I have to dress up myself, and pop down your chimney. Thanks for your time. Regards Gilly PS for anyone wanting to see a short clip of footage taken by Andy tats Taylor of a couple of trips 1990/2 in Detroit of a few stars we met that this book writes about, go to Facebook or go to You Tube (type The Soul Archive (you tube) and click on the picture of George Clinton (World Funk Star, and the man with multi colored hair) and enjoy this unique footage, rarely seen before. Coupled with this we are doing a live stream book launch from London on the 5th of December in conjunction and by kind permission of Stef Jones aka 'Soho Sunday Soul'
  23. Written, credited, and BMI to George, maybe another case of the dodgy world of music
  24. send email to gillybook@btinternet.com thats all you have to do cheers mate, yes great times x

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