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Everything posted by Gilly

  1. Oh yes, he was my first hero,the records he used to have and indeed play were quite something.He was one of the very first DJ's to start exploiting the by now American imports that started to surface. I remember as a very young teenager going into his shop it was called THE HOUSE OF SOUNDS twas in New St Burton on Trent.I used to go in on a saturday morning with me pocket money to buy my soul records.Iv'e often thought and indeed said to people i wished i had then the knowlege i have now, i bet lots of folks walked out of that shop and left something that now would be a much sort after item.Something back in those days that i could'nt understand was at 9.30 am when i would frequent he used to have the music up full volume and he would be going mental, i used to think what the f cks he been drinking it's a bit early for the pubs to be open,little did i know at that time just what was helping him to be mad.I still admire him and have the greatest respect for what he did (and eat) kind regards Gilly and Nicola
  2. Just for the crack i asked Searling (at Wigan) if he had the latest record by Keith Harris and his duck Orville, and with a smile on his face he told me to do one.Likely it was the saturday after the monthly's friday oldies night,god that could be a long drawn-out night at times. regards Gilly and Nicola
  3. Gilly


    Hey Nigel,whats going on, thats my girlfriend! regards (held in reserve) Gilly
  5. Found this, any good IMPRESSARIO MUSIC 3542 GARFIELD WY SE ATLANTA GA 30354 -3419 regards Gilly and Nicola
  6. I think there are 3/4 knocking around my old one went to Tim Brown who passed it on to Ginger. Mick Smith has one that was Searlings at one time, am i right in thinking good old Ted Massey also owns a copy. regards Gilly and Nicola,
  7. Well your bang on with that Trev and ill tell you why. Going back a few years i remember the usual few of us standing in Wigan record bar hearing Richard Searling ,Sam, Gary Rushbrook, Pat Brady playing high quality tunes such as C Washington, Magnetics +2 Nomads, Billy Hambric, Lester Tipton, Larry Clinton, E Holman, you get the picture now of the quality of sounds the likes of Dave Malloy, Rob Marriot, Mick and Ian from Notts,Kev Joss, the Stoke lads and a bunch of hardcore people including myself but all in all not that many of us. It seemed most people only wanted to hear oldies (whatever that ment) now sometime later after Wigan had shut up shop i went to a bank hol sunday allnighter,at the Ritz, the place was rammed hundreds of folkes giving it the big one on the dance floor to the sounds ive mentioned above. Now i'm thinking were the hell were they 1st time round when the numbers were a bit thin on the ground. And so that goes on, people going for the well established easy opption. Well for what its worth thats how i see it regards Gilly
  8. Russ, knowing you ( as you know me) the way you've wrote it is in such a way i can just imagine you telling it to my face, youve really captured the moment of another great story nice one Russ regards Gilly and Nicola
  9. What a brill story, i'll see if i can add to it in a small way regards Gilly
  10. B+Q Burton on Trent, could'nt understand why rare soul was playing over the speaker thats when i got to know a Mr C Anderton he was on a YTS sceam ( has'nt he done well ) became friends from day one and still remain the same, stood back watched him progress thru both ranks his B+Q work and served a good apprentership for the rare soul scene remaining modest polite and an all round good guy bless ya mate regards Gilly and Nicola
  11. Hi i've kept all maner of things, Blues and Soul mags (all of them i think) Black Echoes from issue one onwards, Black Music, most of the mags from the early seventies, hundreds of flyers, record lists etc etc ive even got an old beer mat from Samanthas with Bob Bloors phone No on it (Bradford) also the (official) last night Wigan entry ticket both halves not torn. This is not forgeting all the stuff i've fetched back from Detroit. You could say suitcases of old rubbish but its been my life so i'll keep them a little longer. regards Gilly
  12. I remember being in that pub close to and indeed waiting for the Manchester Ritz all-dayer to open having been at the Casino the night before myself and my good buddy Kev from Burton was having a cracker of a time being entertained by the late great Martin Ellis, he was propper on form that is until Kev from Burton put some money in the jukebox and by mistake selected Oh Carol well we all fell about laughing our bollocks off,only for Martin to stand back, shake his head and say I CANT BEAT THAT FUC.ER NOT EVEN ME. what a guy and what a mad afternoon we had. regards and indeed respect Gilly
  13. Hi anyone remember Janey Nichols from Halton nr Lancaster i'm sure she won an early Wigan dance comp, she was as pretty as a picture.I think Dave Evison went out with her for a while,as he did most blonds in those days,still a great guy and looks so happy these days nice one Dave regards Gilly
  14. Ive recently moved down northampton from Derby (my home town) so up until June i used to see Larry and do business with him several times a week. I know where he works but dont want to disclose that without him knowing first, he's not on the scene any more and he looks good.Now as for Nobby and Barbara i lived with them for several months in the 80ts not sure of their current abode, might be worth asking Den-Mac he will know, again not on the scene (bald headed twat) smile. kind regards Gilly.
  15. I used to use gin or vodka at one time (clean a record have a swig ) regards Gilly
  16. Nice one mate wasnt Lifeline the buisness last week regards Gilly
  17. First person i remember playing it was good old Dave T at Stafford.I went out to DETROIT at that time being invited round Ginos house.We went thru some of his records and pulled out a copy of Rat Race he told me only 5 were made he said the remaining 3 went to his band members,then handed it to me and said you can have this one to keep. flippng brill i said and thank-you. Yes as Flynny said hand written on plastic at 7 inch. Dont remember what was on the flip thou. Kind regards Gilly
  18. Very sad news indeed, still got and still read his old mags, used to talk to him a lot many years ago Good night and god bless old friend Gilly
  19. Does anyone remember Kip Mc'crae from Burton on Trent sadly he was killed on his way home from the Torch in the early 70ts I used to be engaged to his sister in the mid 70ts and would love to hear any stories anyone can tell any pictures would be good too. As a very young teenager at the time i only think i can remember what he looked like. Thank you gilly from Derby/Burton
  20. Gilly

    various early 70

    cant be sure but for what its worth the guy with the black t shirt on in the background looks like Dave Gillanders from Derby an old friend of mine he was around shortly before i started doing niters. By the way great photos, would love to see more from around this era. All the best Gilly(male) from Derby/Burton.

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