Well Dave you know my thoughts on this matter,as i said a couple of years ago my theory is The Sequins(Detroit ones) had three members, i have an original promo photo that Dave Hamilton gave me of the girls,on that same trip i was lucky enough to go round Duke Browners house, he didnt give up alot of imformation but i did get three records from him,one of these was the Sequins 45 Try My Love. At the time it didnt make complete sense but as time moved on having looked at a picture of the Lollipps (4 members) 3 of them look like the girls in the Sequins photo. What i think may of happend is Duke signed the 3 girls added a member and called them The Lollipops.This would in part explain why Duke had the Try My Love 45. This i know does'nt answer the original question (surfice to say people do change) but from what Tim told me years ago having met her non of the girls in either photo match the description of Gardinia Barnes. regards Gilly and Nicola