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Everything posted by Gilly

  1. Best 60ts song they ever did,and so semi-unknown and underated
  2. Does anyone have any knowledge on session drummers used in the 1960ts guys who worked on Virtu/Harthon takes.Will be pleased to gather any imfo.Thank-you. Gilly and Nicola
  3. God bless RIP Our thoughts are with the family.regards Gilly and Nicola
  4. I remember some of the Yate lot,D WISE would sing instead of Manifesto he used to sing Shop at Tesco,it's always stuck in my mind.Went round to Val(chunky) and Elains the other night and this topic came up,i told him my old mate Kev Orton from B O T used to think PEOPLE THATS WHY was actualy PEOPLE EAT FLYS for years this had gone on bless him.
  5. I AGREE 100%
  6. Hi Jerry,not half was there some goins on.It would kick off,Dave T worked for a tool hire co i think at the time so everyone would run to the back of his van,select a wooden pick-axe handle and of you went.Can you rememer Jerry,Mac was DJing and very calmly anounced "would the owner of an Austin 1100 registration ... .... please go outside as it is on fire.Amazing times.Another one i remember was thanks to Dave T i used to get in early by going up the lift,i was with my mate Phil Knowles from Burton.On entering the venue there was a massive fight going on between the locals,i remember this local guy with this very broard accent shouting "he hit my fuckin cousin and promtley ripped the door clean off its hinges,well me and Phill just looked at eachother grinned and quickly retreated to a safe distance
  7. Im not either,Richards a charecter(love him) regards Gilly and Nicola
  8. Ill set the record straight on this one,It is called He Wont Stay. it is on Mirasound. as for the artist well thats a mystery.Its an acetate that i found in Richard Popcorn Wylies house,he couldnt recall anything about it.I fetched it back,played it a few times,then gave it to my buddy(who was with me on that trip 50/50 ) the best guy in the world Andy Tats Taylor) regards Gilly and Nicola
  9. God bless you my friend,and the same to your fine self.regards Gilly and Nicola
  10. I dont have an hangover either,i'm sorry for my grammatical error that has lead to the confusion in this matter.I do apologise Gilly
  11. Calm down calm down, no i dont mean you everyone on here admires what you have done including me (see my previous posts) I mean those who have pledged money to help out Mr Fingers and family and have not kept their prommise
  12. Although Mac from Derby is a Forrest fan thats a great gesture on his part.The thing that pisses me off is iff you have pledged money and its been pledged from the heart you should continue on in paying it.Sadly it leads me to think you are just trying to boost your own popuality,it will catch up on you one day.regards Gilly and Nicola. ps i think im right about the Forrest bit if not im sorry
  13. Pete youve worked hard on this,put your feet up now and chill out now.Not only has this helped Mr Fingers and family its held you in high esteem and its given a lot of pleasure to those who helped and its put a warmth into peoples hearts who have read it.Well done. regards Gilly and Nicola
  14. Not only just fights,i remember a local twat running in and stabbing a soulie,luckily it wasnt too deep a wound to be life threatning.Went several times,mostly with the Burton on Trent lot,Chuck,Stan,Mary,Skiv,Ivan,Sue,Shaun rip,Brenden.......I remember Edwin being on one time Gilly and Nicola
  15. I AGREE. We have lost a few recently,we have helped a few lately,on this scene someone will be there for you,just make sure your there for them,that way everybody will be just fine.
  16. A lesson can be learnt for everybody here,my hat comes off to you Pete for starting this.I dont know Fingers that well by anymeans but for the cause and thru Nicola i hoped weve also helped in a small way.Is'nt nice to help somone.We like that feeling,you just never know whats round the corner,it could be any one of us one day thats down on our luck.Keep your chin up Mr Fingers. many kind regards Gilly and Nicola
  17. The girl with the blond hair holding cigarette upwards is Caraline from Ashby de a Zouch,her sister is with Derick Mead see you both at the wedding regards Gilly and Nicola
  18. I remember buying 2 coppies of the Blue Jays from Hurts Yard a long time ago 35p each. regards Gilly and Nicola
  19. No i havnt a clue who that might be,its raw and unfinished,proberly a tester so as to get a feel for the song so when all the people on that session they will have an idea of the songs drection. What do i think of it,its brill,sweet simple and oh so nice. regards Gilly and Nicola
  20. Oh yes i remember well,and yes i still have that bag,in fact i'm just parceling it up for Kieth Rylets book,he may use it along with some other items.ps Eddie what with me starving you of sleep you still look ever so young(but not as young as me)smile regards Gilly and Nicola
  21. Hi Dave,you might remember that Popcorn sent me a copy of Larry Wright thru the post in oct 84 i lent it Guy who played the other side "its ok with me"better tempo for our days,i even remember Guy saying over the mic christmas has come early for Gilly(it was now into mid november) regards Gilly and Nicola
  22. Jack Bollinton(borrinton) was a bit of a lad,i was walking round Derby with him once and Tim Finch,we went in a second hand shop Jack saw this tie he liked priced up at 10p he pinched it! regards Gilly and Nicola
  23. Yes i do mate Gilly and Nicola
  24. Thanks Steve,hav'nt seen Micky for a long time,he was going to the 100 club a few years back.Last time i remember was when i was invited to DJ at the mothers birthday/and what was her wedding anniversary regards Gilly and Nicola
  25. I used to find although Coddy looked propper evil and i take nothing away from his abilities,if he had a liking for you he was bang on,if he did'nt like you it would be bang on regards Gilly and Nicola

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