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Everything posted by Gilly

  1. Propper good,id call it SOUL makes you shiver and tingle all over.
  2. Theres nothing like self praise,thou i say it myself
  3. Berrys book for sure and you must get Mr Rylets Detroit book its blooming brill
  4. Yes poor Sean,he was a close friend and what a great guy he was(and mad)took him and Brendan from nr Burton on Trent and not forgeting Kev from Burton,oh did we have some fun.God bless him.
  5. Gilly

    mick francis - ritz dec 83

    Thats Kev Orton from Burton-on-Trent behind Mick
  6. No memberships left im afraid,but along those lines i have the official last saturday nighter ticket both halves stil together.I guess it makes for a collectors piece
  7. Well done Rob,it makes for good reading,Gilly and Nicola
  8. Nice one Dave,sad news but it makes for good reading.Thanks.Gilly and Nicola
  9. Proberly got almost all of them,if not it would be 8/10ths of em from the very 1st one.I also keep loads of junk conected with our scene
  10. Is this as rare as people make out only ive had at least 4 copies(for me the least liked song by this group 60ts that is)
  11. It would seem that Dan Henderson was the lead singer and with him in the line-up was Sam Peoples and Jack Martinez.What a great group they were.
  12. On comming out of a hotel with Buggie Alison(Cheltenham)and Steve Whittle Gary Rushbrook who share birth dates some local guys just started throwing potatoes at us from accross the road.Buggie with his quick humour said they must of been aiming for his jacket,he paused for a second and said jacket potatoe
  13. If the "fit girl dancing under......." had blond hair she may of been Jane Nichols from Halton,Lancaster.
  14. Thats a very typical comment from Tony,and a Yate type of humour,bet Harrys still trying to work it out(them Wigan bouncers had no sense of humour)i still recall those famous words from Harry"no pushing at the back"i used to think to myself why dont the thick twat open the door and let us in then there wouldnt be any pushing at the back.
  15. We used to call him the Mummy for some reason,i know he used to let you into that space behind him so you could have a blast without being desturbed iff you crossed his palms(bandages)with a pound note(lot of money back then)
  16. Hi Rod,top man and much respect.
  18. Yes that makes good sense Dave
  19. I also found two of these whilst in Detroit,i also had what you see in the picture but with two lines on it.
  20. Russ,thankyou so much for your reply,will e.mail soon.regards Gilly and Nicola
  21. Are i see the book is written by an old friend Paolo Hewitt,some years ago i helped in the writing of a book along with Paul Weller called Soul Stylists.
  22. Well thank-you very much,nice one.
  23. Sacrificed and then burying a chocolate gateau late one sun/mon at and with a then well known DJ and his first wife.seemed a good idea at the time(well off it) oh they were the days.
  24. Thanks Malc.
  25. Hi Malc,i allways thought Mary Chapman had something to do with the running of this particular event.I remember there was bad floods that weekend and we had trouble getting to it,on arrival they wouldnt let us in,this woman spoke on our behalf and we were allowed in.Didnt fancy a trip back to Derby that night.

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