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Everything posted by Gilly

  1. Cant stand the bloody record but just love the other side on one of the labels "The Boy Next Door by far a better record
  2. I AGREE,HOW SWEET THAT WAS,bless you Dave you only deserve to be liked as so many would agree.Gilly and Nicola
  3. I seem to remember meeting him a very long time ago but cant be100% sure
  4. Gilly

    yarmouth weekender

    Me old mate SHAUN rip bless him Gilly
  5. Yes your right Dean theres a George Benson name pops-up on certain sessions seen it a few times.
  6. Nicola spending a good£60 of Gillys money
  7. Yes Coddy was a bit of a lad,when he lived in Burton on Trent i used to see him at the famed 76 club,just looking at him could make you freek out but he was a darling towards me mainly i think the girl i was dating at the time was sister to one of Coddys old friends who got killed on the way home from the Torch (rip).Knew his brother well too,Mickey Moonshine,(lived in London last i saw.I also knew the mother and felt very proud to of been asked to dj at one of her birthdays in some club in Chesterton SOT.
  8. This is a good one from Pat Brady at Wigan,"THE NEXT RECORD GOES OUT TO TODAYS MODS,ITS KENNY GAMBLE and the JOKES ON YOU. flippin brill.Another one this time from Brian Rae,he thanks the previous DJ for his set and went on to say "YOUVE GOT ME, MYSELF AND I ON NOW and went straight into his first record.
  9. Being offered a Don Gardner at Wigan for £80 and deciding against it,Mick Moore bought it i think.?
  10. Talking of Larry Stave i was told just the other week that Larry and some of his mates who drink in the Neptune were refused entry to a recent Derby home match.Dont forget that Larry is around the 60 mark
  11. There was a Queen of Fools issue with "return to BBC library" stamped on it but i dont think Mr Manship ever owned it,unless there were more than one copy.
  12. Great guy is Eric,havn't seen him in years,bit of a fashion trend setter too,as far as i know he was the first to wear his shirt on the outside of his trousers it of course became a way of dressing for the 80ts football hooligans.
  14. Brill Pete nice one
  15. Sadly never got to meet Ollie but me and Andy(Tats) Taylor did spend a day with his wife Ruth and daughter cant remember which one.Didnt get any records but got some photos.Dont forget Ollie had a son Ira and in Ollies early days he was a dj and ran a gig for the local kids it was called the Caravan Club..Oh and by the way there ar i think 6 releases on the Ruth label but ive only ever owned the one Good Guys.Anyone have any sound bites of the other 5 releases?
  16. Thats brill Rob,it goes to show just how much competition was held back to prevent other artists hitting the big time.You can understand why the Supremes needed protection,they wernt all that good,well not in the recording studio anyway.Gilly
  17. That just makes you a git then mate doesnt it.(smile)
  18. For the most it has to be the record but over the early years (1973/4/5)one or two live acts stood out for me,Chairman of the Board(RIP GENERAL)J Ruffin and even J James.Then enter the likes of Chriis King who had the balls to promote a Ric-Tic revue and Ady Croasdell putting on some fantastic acts as did TAC promotions at Yarmouth and when you think youve seen the best up jumps Prestatyn and gives you Gwen Owens and Don Gardner singing on the same bill and sounding very much like the actual recordings they made,you have to think youve been spoilt and indeed blessed but wait a minute they then give you the Delarks,Volumes and the friggen Hesitations god weve been so lucky and i thank-you.
  19. Hi Dave,always thought that Holding Hands is the rarest Ric Tic release in its self but ive never seen or even hered of a whitey
  20. Found a Norma Jenkins Maltese white demo,not a great record but must be rare?
  21. Dave what about one you used to play at Stafford and lucky me managed to obtain a copy,Rat Race.white label,hand written,he told me only 5 ever made.
  22. I too have a soft spot for this one,the ending makes it for me where she sings "girls keep your distance" and i love songs that end on the up,others spring to mind are Think Smart,Unsatisfied,must make a list one day.
  24. Thats a great and indeed sweet story Toney,hope your both ok Gilly and Nicola
  25. Yes,brings back a few good times,cant remember the other good ones.

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