Iam not surprised,i thought back in march this maybe the last time we will be here at the great Prestatynn weekenders.When i just think of the artists we have been so so lucky to have them grace the stage,ive often said that iff some one had told me in Wigan record bar in the later 70ts that one day you will see the likes of Gwen Owens,Don Gardner,The Hesitations,The Volumes and the Del larks to name a few you would proberly think that person had had more than his share of a DDA box but it really did happen,memories till the day i die.Can i thank-you Mr Mark Fletcher,Mr Poole and all the rest of the team for making it happen and the kindness they showed me on all but the first Prestatynn that i didnt attend.MY HAT GOES OFF TO YOU AND THANKS FOR MAKING MY LIFE THAT MUCH BETTER.GILLY