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Everything posted by Gilly

  1. What a great story,you have been well rewarded and i think blessed for all your hard work.Thanks for putting it up.Gilly and Nicola
  2. Yet another sad loss to a great and talented person within the music industry.God bless
  3. Ive got Sam live at Cleos Derby 1976 (i think) playing Gwen Owens,Joe Cook,Nate Evans,Jobell Orchestra the Quality is bad but you can still here that magic in Sams mic introductions.I can still remember recording it on one of those poxy heavy on the HP2s machine.
  4. or get Nicola to hit them,pinching records or anything for that matter is a no no.
  5. Cant help you Paul but i remember they were fookin funny "he crossed the Andes on the back of a frog"
  6. Dont see Spivs name on the poster,i remember he did a few spots at the venue.Gilly and Nicola
  7. The Jewels Oppertunity Dimension. Jimmy James Help Yourself
  8. Remember myself and 2/3 others getting thrown out of a Cats all-dayer by the bouncers after spending the previous hour in the office whilst they decided our fate for being naughty.Two opptions i recall.1call the police in to sort it,2they kindley offered to kick the shit out of us.We did eventally leave with no problems but it was touch and go for a little while.Gilly
  9. Got the book just started to read and its looking good,go and get yourselves a copy
  10. Remember going at least once and maybe twice,as for anything else i dont recall.Gilly
  11. I remember going to a Doncaster Bailys 24 hr marathon many years ago,floods hampered the journey all the way from our starting point of Derby.On arrival the clubs managers and door staff were reluctent to let us in but Mary waved a magic wand distracted the staff and in we went.Thanks Mary.Gilly
  12. Nice words indeed i must clarify that my involvement was only to help get the project started,any ongoing credit stays with Ace/Kent, Ady C and of course Dave Hamilton.Gilly
  13. May i say i was in this at the begining having been a friend of Dave Hamilton(thanks uncle Popcorn)for a number of years and when Dave passed on i wanted to be involved in making sure that a life times work wasnt going to be trashed or fall into the wrong hands.Dave had left a wife and family behind and they needed to be looked after just as Dave had gone out of his way to take care of me.I have to admit that despiite the mass of tapes that lined his basement studio walls im amazed and delighted that the Dave Hamilton story still gives up its secrets for all to enjoy and because ACE/KENT do a propper all round and legal product package the dear Mrs Hamilton should find daily life that little bit easier.Thank-you Dave and thank-you Ady. Gilly and Nicola Anderson(Raison)
  14. Listen mate if one of the Dynamics on Dyna comes up i'm having it so please bog off,nice shout,its insane and should be detained under the mental health act.Gilly and Nicola
  15. My tip for the future is Rich Evans from Leeds,hes up for it plays good tune and he seems to be a very polite young man,good luck for the future Gilly and Nicola
  16. Its good to have you on here,first met you in 85 when i came to your studio,seen you perform on every one of your visits(brill every time)did you get that photo i coppied for you.God bless Gilly and Nicola
  17. Iam not surprised,i thought back in march this maybe the last time we will be here at the great Prestatynn weekenders.When i just think of the artists we have been so so lucky to have them grace the stage,ive often said that iff some one had told me in Wigan record bar in the later 70ts that one day you will see the likes of Gwen Owens,Don Gardner,The Hesitations,The Volumes and the Del larks to name a few you would proberly think that person had had more than his share of a DDA box but it really did happen,memories till the day i die.Can i thank-you Mr Mark Fletcher,Mr Poole and all the rest of the team for making it happen and the kindness they showed me on all but the first Prestatynn that i didnt attend.MY HAT GOES OFF TO YOU AND THANKS FOR MAKING MY LIFE THAT MUCH BETTER.GILLY
  18. Jonathan old friend from years ago,nice guy and knew Lewie very well,he was banned from the Casino unfairly after a spot of trouble with local Wigan boys and never saw him again,good guy was he
  19. Gilly

    kev's good angels ;o)

    I dont really know what to think and say,and thats unusual for me Gilly and Nicola
  20. Send me a copy,you never know,or i will get Nicola to do it.
  21. Hi Dave,bet you had a great time,i would have done
  22. So do i
  23. Isnt that just wonderful,lucky enough to say hello to Mr Kingfish whilst in United Sound Studios with Don Davis
  24. Yes i remember him DJ early Wigan,sadly left us too young
  25. No it was a club in the middle of nowhere with a house,spoke to the owners daughter recently,she told me it was now an housing estate.

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