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Everything posted by Gilly

  1. Yea we got a M Davis on Ke Ke too,i remember Tats being given a straw hat from Johnnie Maes son Chuck who of course was the drummer in the familys Black Nasty group.
  2. I remember him having a L Tipton around the same time,he had said they cost about £80 for the two,i told him he must be nuts paying that kind of money for records.How times have changed double,double d'oh!!! on me for that statment
  3. Yes Harry RIP TC we were even luckier they were free.hope you are both well up there in the N East
  4. Used to have this song in the same format but never knew who was singing it,played it to the lady herself and she said it wasnt her.Mine was unfinnished vocaly and it had a very haunting ending(still played it out on my limeted dj stint).Also at the same time Andy "Tats"Taylor got a Heart Trouble and Rob Wigley got a Daddy-O again in the same format as on sale on e bay
  5. Funny as f*ck my dear friend
  6. That Young Mods is...........mental.love to you both,in fact when i hear that i love everybody in the world,especialy my Nic
  7. Seconed Hand Happiness Jimmy Conwell
  8. Picking out a few lines from a couple of great songs The Four Gents Ive Been Trying when the guy sings the words "so sincerely i wanna love you". Try One Gold Piece when the guy sings the seconed verse "and if i had just one gold piece and happines happiness" it makes me shudder,ive a good mind to catch a plane track him down give him a kiss(maybe) and thank him.As for the Dynamics on Dyna the whole fuckin record is mental
  9. Have to agree boba its a great side propper
  10. Check-out a song called Good Times by him its on U Tube
  11. Yes i agree,we musn't forget the backing track was recorded first and other instuments overdubed if requied then the vocals put on lastley
  12. Remember Dave telling me(bashfuly)it was about himself Ady
  13. Simon my friend,amongst that shit collection of yours have you still got that old original/bootleg acetate that was once mine called He Wont Stay only i would like it back.all the best Nicola
  14. You aint kidding,blooming brill
  15. Yes it is mate Thats fantastic Ed
  16. Yes it is mate
  17. Glad to see someone is still enjoying my old copy of I Have No Choice actualy got movie footage of this disc being signed by the lady herself in her kitchen where she and her daughter then went on to do a quick rendition of the song for myself Andy(Tats) Taylor and Rob Wigley what a pleasure that was.Gilly and Nicola
  18. You must have an excellent filing system Mr Chalky (smile)
  19. Your bang on with that lot Russ and ill add one if you dont mind.Chris King putting that Ric Tic revue on some people turned up just to prove it was bollocks and they found to their delight it really was happening.Who would have the balls to chance that lot and in doing so paved a way for other promoters to follow suite and arnt we so lucky to have seen these obscure artists grace our stages to say something that America forgot to do and thats THANK-YOU you fine foxy things.
  20. For what its worth would anyone agree with me that T J Williams on Josie shares a very simlar base line to Just like the weather ? Gilly
  21. Fiak he was a bit of a lad in his day,remember Den Mac telling me when he and Fi were leant against a pub wall on a saturday afternoon and along came 2/3 Man U fans,Fi said these are them and proceded to fill em in.Den just stood and shook his head in amazement.Fiaks son has done him proud by continuing the familys carpet business.Can say i always got on with Fi and i really did like him.Gilly
  22. My old copy of Melvin Davis I Must Love You looked just like the issue but had promo/dj copy (cant remember) printed in small type,never knew if it was a hard #?
  23. Cant help you im afraid but can understand why your after a copy,i used to play it some 20 yrs ago and its still a mental record,never seen many about now you might think it would be common with having a well recorded A side.good luck Gilly and Nicola
  24. Dont try and throw people off the scent Simon or should i say Susan.All the very best your friend Nicola
  25. Good stuff mate,enjoyed it propper.Gilly

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