Here we go again,this is how i understand it,when i went to Duke Browners house on Broadway,Detroit he told me that it was the Volumes in between contracts that recorded Lady in Green Now the lead vocal on that tune was Gerald Mathis same guy as Same Old Feeling(compare the voices for yourselves)Gerald comfirmed this when i spoke with him many years ago.Before this recording 65 a single on Allright came out The Train the main man in this line-up was Tony Johnson (of Tony and Tyrone)Please Operator Atlantic and he comfirmed that as he was a friend of myself and Andy Taylors.The other groups of the same name were as already stated.Chicago and PhillyOh by the way that early Detroit group recorded but without release for Motown,they later changed the group name to i think The Downbeats me out here you Motown men