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Everything posted by Gilly

  1. That's a very good point Paul
  2. Just a suggestion Rob,nothing more
  3. OK I Will add my bit,found this track in 1992 on a master tape at an engineers house,he said it was a Golden World session and was Diana Ross on vocals,hard to believe you might say(was the snakepit busy that day so they went over to GW place ?)The first song S Lane put up is the version I used to play along with the instrumental the 2nd song put up I also have and its the song sang twice and mixed together to give a stronger vocal (something they used to do from time to time(not very good is it) Later on the song cropped up on CD from Tim Browns domain and the track in question was sung by Barbara Mercer,makes more sense I guess.Those are the facts as I know it.Is it D Ross or B Mercer surely not Sandy Wynns
  4. Its a great record Edwin,they will catch-up one of the days.Dave Bentley plays it out,oh how are you
  5. Yes a lot of venues 2/3 full of people on a nostalgic run,ironic when you think about it,they never went anywere 1st time round they just remember a few odd people doing the business.Right on soul brother and don't forget to keep the faith at all times,fcuk anyone seen my black fist you know the one that hangs round my friggin neck
  6. and what I would like to know is where are these twins right now
  7. Ive listened to Beatles songs played by the Detroit top music men (R I P) and couldn't you tell
  8. Rob,just to piss you off I owned two copies at one time and to realy niggle you I had a Ford Escort too
  9. Another great talent gone to make music in the sky,thank-you Cody,God bless.Gilly and Nicola uk
  10. Sure this was the venue that as we pulled into the car park something was kicking off out side the door and it didn't look good,we sat it out until it was blown over.As we made our way to the door some of the windows were out and word was some punks had caused some bother,could of been the night Keithw was on about.
  11. I recorded live at a Cleos all-dayer 1976 (still got it) its not as quality as the Torch one
  12. Great,earliest live recording ive ever heard,must of been some well of guy to of had a recorder and lucky it wasn't taken of him by the end of the night
  13. Know what you mean Rob,Berry Gordy used to do the same,all you have to do was change one word in a song and your on the writers credits$$$$$$$
  14. Got a set sale list with the Brooks Bros on.......35p
  15. Nice one Ady,for both of our departed friends.Gilly and Nicola
  16. When Mary was at Clethorpes week-ender myself and Dean Anderson was asked by Ady to make sure she was ok on the saturday afternoon rehersal,after a great performance we went upstairs to pay our thanks and she said something to me that ive never forgot "Gilly in life ive never met anyone who is better than me and in turn i never thought i was better than anyone else" what sweet words.Bless and thank-you Mary for your music and for being you,it has been a pleasure.
  17. Happy Birthday Sir,last saw him at Wellingborough signing his book,i shouted over to him and said "Tommy,words can never tell it" made him laugh
  19. Gilly


    Never been in a venue that was so full of nutters,what great times Dave
  20. Anyone know how many times Gaz put the wrong type of fuel in his Hillman Imp ?
  21. Garden of Eden, Dore, "he came like a snake and i watched him take my baby away" (think ive got this right,tis early still) great lyrics
  22. Very nice indeed,would like that myself.Gilly and Nicola
  23. My mate used to have a Wayne Fontana on Fontana Dave,cant remember what title it was thou,pinched at Wigan,and i know who by and who else was involved,oh well long time ago now

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