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Everything posted by Gilly

  1. Myself, Guy Hennigan and Cris King were involved in finding the tracks that made up the Kool Kat 12"
  2. Think your right about the La Beat recordings Mick
  3. As ROBBK has pointed out the Pig Pen studio was rather basic, in fact when they were going for a take they used to have to stop the traffic or wait until it had past as the noise would pick-up on the recording equipment. Also D Towns recording for that song is 64 I thought it was 65 but the Drew recordings started in 66 and there would of been a more track recording facility ( 8 tracks as opposed to only 4) ROBBK will know the facts on that if iam not right
  4. I bought one from a guy in Detroit 1990 about $110 it wasn't in great shape but the other side (what I wanted it for played better) A fantastic moment in my life was hearing the group sing "i wanna tell" in rehearsal on the Thursday afternoon, shame they never used it in the show. I more wonder going very slightly off topic how rare is Don Heart "Don't give in " any one ?
  5. Yes a great fellow, so sad
  6. You might find something on Andy tats Taylor facebook page
  7. Are Mr Swifty, I think I met you on Saturday didn't I, well yes that was the car park singing episode. He sang 2/3 songs and we asked to bring the songs back to the UK to see if we could help them along, now Tony was up for it but Barrett said no. At the time Tony was selling womens clothes door to door from out of his trunk to make a living having owned a string of beauty shops his wife divorced him taking his last penny. As I said he was a fantastic human being Regards Gilly
  8. Dave just to add a little something myself and Andy Tats Taylor met Tony Johnson in 1990 It was something Betty Lavette arranged for us as Tony was in the Magnetics (same group as Lady in Green) but prior to that. The Train song was nearer to his time. We met in a bar The Locker Room (Curtis/Levonia) at some late hour and it emerged that thru a conversation with Tats that he was one half of Tony and Tyrone. He was one of the nicest guys I ever met in Detroit, he came to see us the next day, sold us some 45s and then without warning began to sing a few songs that he was working on with Barrett Strong, yes we did have a video recorder with us but we didn't know he would sing for us, but he did the result being its very emotional. With speaking to him it emerged his sister was at university in Oxford so we said because he (Tony) had been so sweet with us that on our return to the UK we would afford his sister some of our time and we did just that. Andy bought her down to my house and we went for a meal and afterwards Tats took her to some soul event, I couldn't go to that for some reason but at least we kept our promise Gilly
  9. There is 2 sax breaks in The Illusions, to add a couple of my liking "Just Another Girl" Four Pros a d the Appreciations on Aware
  10. 1st one Charles v Smash, Salvadors
  11. Love this group
  12. Nice one, ive had the "That'll be the day for about 25 yrs now (not on 45 of course) great song
  13. Good times, F North
  14. Didn't know Dodger to the extent of the people posts above, (he was that generation pre mine) but I did meet and muck a bout within those circles on several occasions, enough for Dodger to have a lasting affect on my involvement within the soul scene. As been said a man of outstanding character, mad as a wasp (I mean that in the most respectful way) a true fully paid up man of the scene again gone from us way to early, and you have to say that the rare soul scene was and is made up from those type of guys. Bless to the family x Gilly
  15. Mark, I know as much as anyone that you've been chasing a musical dream for many a year, looks like its been granted we are very pleased for you, Jackie and for everyone who will get to hear these songs come the day. Fantastic Gilly ans Nicola
  16. Glad you mentioned this only in a post a while back I pointed out that there was a group called the Tempests founded out of Michigan in the 60s but no one picked up on it
  17. How good is that Jerry, would love to read all of the mags, any chance of putting them up on here Gilly
  18. Thanks your the first person to agree with me (we still could be wrong thou)
  19. Slightly off topic, when you talk of cheap records, although not known at the time but ive got an old mag with a set sale list all for 35p each Brooks Bros on Tay was included. I often wonder who may of bought it.
  20. Ive got some of his lists from many-a-moon ago, and what a fantastic person John is
  21. Yes indeed its a great read mate, nice to see the facts in print, having gone what was before start to finish the post Wigan era date wise I can never remember in what order all of those fantastic times came in, now I do
  22. Ive got an article that says there was a group called The Tempests born out of Michigan they also would of been white as it was a garage band. Yes I know lots of bands had the same names even if spelt slightly different running at the same time. Can anyone shed a bit more light on this same name group ?
  23. Having read Mr Dysons and other peoples stories about Nick I thought I would chuck one in for the record, again it shows his character. So we are at one of the Lifelines week-ender, Nicks got a face about him, the Victor Meldrew look I noticed from across the room, now I don't remember who I was talking to at the time but it was someone who was well up on music so I thought I should introduce this person to Nick as they would have similar levels of knowledge. Over we go " Nick say hello to a friend of mine hes a record buff too" well the response I got from Nick was so rude and negative, I didn't know where to put my face. Wasn't happy with him at the time but weve laughed many a time since about that night, your a run@ and I love you and I will miss you too. Gilly
  24. I hadn't noticed that before either

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