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Everything posted by Gilly

  1. The Servicemen for me are one hell of a group, love them to bits and its true we named our pet cat Hadley in recognition of Hadley Murells involvement with this group. Great write up on this group Chalky and so quick, love it. Its a real shame they couldn't of graced our stage over here at one of the week-enders. Thank-you guys for making my life that much better with your songs x Gilly and Nicola
  2. I might have a spare Individuals what do you want to pay
  3. Used to have the Sparton copy
  4. Bang on fellow for sure
  5. Remember seeing a stabbing there one time, some local knob attacking a soulie
  6. Spoke to Andy last week and hes said the book will be out for Christmas 2016
  7. and when the play is over and done youll realise it was all in fun iam gonna run right to your side and kiss away all those jealous tears from your eyes soon well play a part in real life, cus we will be husband and wife and forever youll be my leading lady, forever youll stay my leading lady the leading lady, in my heart.. Shakespear at his best
  8. Its worth pointing out that Roger has a wonderful woman behind him too, Jenny x
  9. A man with great great knowledge and off the cuff too, much respect. Now heres a funny personal one, I had just moved back into my old village (Willington) having lived in Burton on Trent for a couple of years. Roger came to stop over for one night so round the pub/ hotel we go, having been away from Willington a generation of local lads had come of age and were of drinking age and a group of them were playing pool. Me and Roger put our 20p down and awaited our turn (winner stays on) so we are up against a couple of younger lads and not doing very well, "just a minute" said Roger and off he went, when he returned he had a condom in his hand and promptly shoved it down one of the pockets. Well stood there being stared at by the two guys looking for an explanation from me, i'am as bemused as they are until Roger lets out "its ok, its a safety shot" the entire pub pool players all cracked up with laughter. As time moved forward a lot of the guys used to ask whens your fuckin mad mate coming down again Gilly
  10. We played it on the Dean Anderson Tulip Radio Show about a year ago Mick, there are two versions of the song by J Mc
  11. Yes indeed Kev, it was in New Street, ran by the great Alan Day and his friend from Birmingham, used to go in at a very young age on a Saturday morning, could never understand Alans behaviour, that is until a year or so later. Thought you would of been way to young to remember that Kev
  12. Ive had a copy of Lucille (in full) for a number of years, cant remember where it came from thou,
  13. As far as I know, Dave Weldings is your man on that one Simon
  14. Mr Croasdell our leader kindly did me a cut quite a few years ago, at the time it was the only Lou Johnson record I hadn't got including UK Canadian and every colour original for Unsatisfied ie white, blue, yellow from the US LP and UK picture sleeve Magic Potion and the Big Hill label stuff too sad twat
  15. For those who like instrumentals it makes for a good one, vocal better of course
  16. Hi Lorraine, we/I will never forget you and your music, so much love and respect Gilly
  17. I think this is a rather good question, ( I also don't want to see our music being watered down and end up in the charts) but I always thought "You've been gone to long" Ann Sexton could of made it and if revamped would still have a chance Let me quickly add by her that is
  18. A bloke I know was going to sell me one, then he backed out
  19. How sad, this guy has to be given the highest respect, he was way ahead in his game, it was he who put Guy Hennigan onto James Lately who in turn told me about it and because of that I got lucky. Have to say I only ever met him once. I remember Micky Cruise was always talking about him as was Tony Colby he must of influenced a lot of people in his reserved life style. Bless you John, it was the likes of he who made what we are today.
  20. Yes indeed, Nev was a super human being, I remember at the Painted Lady alldayer one time my mate Kev Orton from Burton Upon Trent was flat out on the dance floor mainly due to the fact that The Mighty Bub was sat on him and Nev was mucking about trying to get Kevs trousers down, all good fun I guess
  21. Gilly

    in wigan casino 79-80

    Girl on the right Peggy (RIP) from Burton on Trent deffo
  22. A record I used to own that never gets a mention is one by The Pyramids, on an un-No Sonbert label, called The Playboy ish. one of POPCORNS compositions
  23. James Conwells voice is just brill
  24. I love Mexican Love song too

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