Encouraged by Mr Fine Wines little story, here is a few words about Bob Mays. First time I went 85 he was on 7mile side of 8 mile, next time he had crossed the road to the 9 mile side of 8 mile so that would of been 87. I was on my own on that trip, got there late and he said he was closing up but if I wanted to follow him back to his house I would be more than welcome. He had a couple of sheds as "Weingarden" said with multiple runs of Mutt, Pelican, label stuff and a large double garage that when I opened the door slightly the records are tumbling out onto the grass,(quickly shut door) that's where I found my Sliced Tomato's on Lupin, never seen one before that. Talking of tomato's whilst I was digging around some of Bobs family were having a barbecue and I hadn't eaten for 2 days so they fed me as well.
Back to the double garage, it was to bigger task to set about on my own so I took a chance and didn't go to far in, thinking I would pass it on to someone back here in the UK or on my next trip I wouldn't be alone (see these records were in boxes with plastic tape and written various dates mainly 71/2 ) you could see that they hadn't been opened from then. After I had finished up and had eaten Bobs mother came out to speak to me and had said if I ever wanted to stop at the house rather than pay for motels I would be welcome, how sweet is that. Time to go, can you ring me a taxi, no one of the relations took me back to Grand River and 7 mile.
So for me it was like having a full service, records, food, sleep-over if required and taxi service.
Thank-you Bob May's and family you are all stars. Gilly
PS I did go back to that garage with Andy Taylor 2 yrs later and still untouched but that's a story for the forth coming book about record hunting C/O A Dyson and Nicola Anderson due out at xmas