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Everything posted by Gilly

  1. Well that's a new one on me, tell me if its to hand what colour is the label and the record # mate, mine was blue abd seem to remember it was 001 Tim has one still yeh
  2. Its not on Lupine, its on Lupin and its very rare, havnt got mine anymore
  3. Great, as always you do your homework
  4. Just remembered "What should I do" of course, Holding hands ( crap inst ) its the vocals that make that song and to me the reverse is the case with the "Savin my love " I think she screams way to much when singing, the inst is laid back but still exciting to a point
  5. No didn't have TNT inst mate, never come by that inst before, got other things but I have to sit and think about it as my brain can sometimes be a little slow
  6. Yes Guy C King and myself got not only that but others also, I later got several inst my self inc My Dear Heart, Baby Love, Saving My Love For You a diff take of The Airplane Song and others
  7. Used to have the instrumental on acetate, it sounds brill
  8. Trying to get my old mates from him to sell, has a J Courcy also
  9. I understood that the now M. Chestnut is the son of THE M. Chestnut who had an insane voice, just love it
  10. Nice demo, I have 5 versions of this song, a great record
  11. Hi Loren, I don't think you will get that much money for this, but you never know, I havnt got one and its about £100 over here with the centre in. Good luck mate and take care Gilly and Nicola
  12. You've never said about this Rod, great stories, I remember when I first met him he would drink one can after another and smoke constantly and was he a man of few words sat behind his record shop counter but I did like him and its pleasing to know he asked of my well being thru Chris Anderton. Me and Tats sorted his entire garage out as all the shelves had collapsed and the records just slid out of the doors when opened. That was the deal me and Tats had with Bob, we tidy as we looked, and to be honest it made life a lot easier to do it that way, I know he loved the fishing and often went up to the lakes but that day he took a risk allowing us two to dig whilst he was away, of course we kept our part of the deal and on his return we opened the garage doors and I said "is that ok for you Bob", he didn't say much but you could tell by the smile on his face he was well happy, he hadn't seen the back of the garage wall since about 1972 and this was 1990
  13. Gilly


    we will keep a look out for you mate
  14. Doesn't sound that good in doors but its so good when played out
  15. Not just the record shops but all things connected musically such as recording studios and old entertainment clubs things change so quickly over there, here is another example Butch sure you've seen these type of things much more than me but my first 3 visits to Detroit 85-90 I stayed at a motel Grand River@ 7 mile it was a safe area with a swimming pool. From 92-97 you could not book a room for a week, for a day, but by the hour, mind you that did include a woman and as much drugs as you wanted, like I said it had gone down hill and there was no mention of a fellow or even a sheep for that matter
  16. Gilly


    Weve got one on Scorpion Kev, played it on Deans show last year, brill song
  17. Theres one on discogs I think Ted
  18. So that gives rise to The Pyramids Playboy Sonbert ( no record #) then Robb, Thank-you
  19. I thought he had passed some time ago, a great man indeed, how old was he Neil I know he was in the music business at least in the later 50s RIP
  20. Well that accounts for all of them by the look of it mate.......but you never know ?
  21. Just a bit of info on Rat Race, Dave Thorley first played at Stafford its alt words to G Washington. Like My Baby. Went to Gino's house in 85 and managed to obtain a copy from him. They are hand written vinyl 45s He told me only 5 were made ( that must of cost a small fortune) So DT had one, now I had one, Geno kept one, a band member had one, that leaves one astray, happy hunting
  22. Think you mean the Jamaican club on Spittle Hill Sheffield, only remember there being one. Knock on the door, a flap opens, they can see if your the police or not and in you go
  23. Encouraged by Mr Fine Wines little story, here is a few words about Bob Mays. First time I went 85 he was on 7mile side of 8 mile, next time he had crossed the road to the 9 mile side of 8 mile so that would of been 87. I was on my own on that trip, got there late and he said he was closing up but if I wanted to follow him back to his house I would be more than welcome. He had a couple of sheds as "Weingarden" said with multiple runs of Mutt, Pelican, label stuff and a large double garage that when I opened the door slightly the records are tumbling out onto the grass,(quickly shut door) that's where I found my Sliced Tomato's on Lupin, never seen one before that. Talking of tomato's whilst I was digging around some of Bobs family were having a barbecue and I hadn't eaten for 2 days so they fed me as well. Back to the double garage, it was to bigger task to set about on my own so I took a chance and didn't go to far in, thinking I would pass it on to someone back here in the UK or on my next trip I wouldn't be alone (see these records were in boxes with plastic tape and written various dates mainly 71/2 ) you could see that they hadn't been opened from then. After I had finished up and had eaten Bobs mother came out to speak to me and had said if I ever wanted to stop at the house rather than pay for motels I would be welcome, how sweet is that. Time to go, can you ring me a taxi, no one of the relations took me back to Grand River and 7 mile. So for me it was like having a full service, records, food, sleep-over if required and taxi service. Thank-you Bob May's and family you are all stars. Gilly PS I did go back to that garage with Andy Taylor 2 yrs later and still untouched but that's a story for the forth coming book about record hunting C/O A Dyson and Nicola Anderson due out at xmas
  24. I went to Cappys shop in 85 along with Guy Hennigan and Chris King. He had at the time an auction list out (still got it somewhere) With Yvonne Verne as the most prized one to bid on. Shop was on 9 mile at ? quite a bad area. We had to knock for him to let us in and already had I think 3 guys looking, we attempted to make friendly small talk with them but they were a bit rude.......that is until our 4th partner confirmed he was Richard Popcorn Wylie, so they very quickly changed their attitude as these guys were from Chicago and did a radio show and wanted Popcorn to do an interview on the show. For me the falsehood shone thru, I turned my back on them, too late. Remember Cappy sporting a beard and smoking big cigar and that rough voice that can go hand in hand with that smoke, cant remember if we came out of there with any 45s or not
  25. Maybe not so obvious these days " Ready, Willing and Able. J Holliday and Clyde King. Still love it The other Fortson and Scott on Pzazz, although they cant sing its a great tune and very playable

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