What great times so many have enjoyed over the years, how fantastic to of seen those live artists perform on that stage and if it not for that we may never of had that pleasure, not just to see and hear them sing but a chance to meet them ask them questions, get an autograph. It doesn't just stop there either, for the artists them selves and with respect didn't make them rich but it did realise a dream in that what they did back in the day be it decades later now brought their lives full circle.
I know its not a competition but I can be proud to say ive never missed an event including the two they had in the first year, the only other person to match that is Roger Banks and they must be a few more. Ive DJ a couple of times, helped with security and been involved with some of the Artists, Little Ann being close to my heart was a special time in my life.
Maybe Ady feels he has got as far as he can go but one thing for sure he has done a fantastic job over the years and we thank him so very much.
So with God willing and a deposit paid I will see you all at week-ender