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Everything posted by Gilly

  1. Ive been recently given a copy by a dear friend Jock from Scotland, but that's not the normal value, I have seen it listed for £150 and a couple more for £100 a great tune and will become more sort after as time moves on me thinks
  2. The NU-SOUNDS
  3. Fuck it off Dean, get yourself better
  4. Cant add to whats already been said, all four pages of it but for a bit of factual reading here is what I have : Jenges Rec Corp, 250 S Broad St, Suite 509 Philadelphia Pa. 19102 Pres : George A Guess. Exec VP Paul Steinberg. others involved William Golde, Norman Knox, Alonzo Brooks. Labels Jenges and Sin. dist Sin City.
  5. Not me but a bloke close many years ago brought (as he was told by the seller) an item of jewellery said to be a Victorian replica of some I think Celtic design. He had a gut feeling about it and paid £80 that's quite a lot of money to hand over at a car boot sale. Had it checked over and well you've guessed it, any way it made a very large sum of money at auction. Fair play to him
  6. I used to collect versions of this song and I had a awful lot of them, ( have to say I didn't have the Tomahawk ) 45 with rise of the internet I learn how many more that I didn't know back then
  7. Just to add a bit more name now Susan Pilkington Auburn, Alabama and married to a business man
  8. I can tell you she sang backing for Elvis cant remember if that was studio or on stage
  9. Yes you have to pay handling charges, so what does the postage stamp cost mean
  10. A long and standing joke with Colin Law, sold him an issue at Wigan Casino
  11. If that's me you are referring to Derek then I'll remind you of the songs, Lou Johnson and D Banks and did you make the car boot the other week
  12. Lovely song Chas, and our regards back to Staley Bridge x
  13. No I don't own one but a guy called Tony Parker orig from Northants used to have a copy
  14. Don't know if this has been done before but I was thinking about known records but with a difference, might be the label colour (issue/demo) the type settings, the record # ok Here are two of my examples to start off and to help you understand what the fuck I'm going on about CAPITOLS, CANT DENY THAT I LOVE YOU, OMEN Green issue SWEET CHARLIE BABE, IVE GOT IT ALL, SOUL FOX Same as Charles Simmons
  15. Yes ill have it Gilly
  16. Its a shame that Duke couldn't or wouldn't grasp what he meant to the UK soul fraternity, just glad I met him RIP your music was amazing and my life was that much better for that as was so many people here across the pond
  17. Jesus where the photos from I never took any when I went round and didn't bring any away with me, something I will always regret, bonus got a few 45s thou. First person to meet him in person from the UK (thanks to Richard Wylie) spent an hour or so with him. Ill tell you one thing sitting in the middle of two music gurus I was so lucky Bless them both RIP
  19. What great times so many have enjoyed over the years, how fantastic to of seen those live artists perform on that stage and if it not for that we may never of had that pleasure, not just to see and hear them sing but a chance to meet them ask them questions, get an autograph. It doesn't just stop there either, for the artists them selves and with respect didn't make them rich but it did realise a dream in that what they did back in the day be it decades later now brought their lives full circle. I know its not a competition but I can be proud to say ive never missed an event including the two they had in the first year, the only other person to match that is Roger Banks and they must be a few more. Ive DJ a couple of times, helped with security and been involved with some of the Artists, Little Ann being close to my heart was a special time in my life. Maybe Ady feels he has got as far as he can go but one thing for sure he has done a fantastic job over the years and we thank him so very much. So with God willing and a deposit paid I will see you all at week-ender Gilly
  20. Rob has always been there seemingly, a great fellow always has time for you record prices cheap, a dam fine fellow indeed, that is apart from his driving skills but I'm ok got me own transport. Carry on forever ROBERT
  21. Just to back up the original post, I remember there being imports at fair grounds, one that springs to mind is Carlena Weaver Jealousy. I remember getting one of those and when you tell people today about that I get the feeling they don't believe you, but its a fact
  22. That didn't take long you two grrrrrr
  23. I want one also you bugger, ill let you go first as its your advert love ya both x
  24. Ive got and had a Billboard international 1969 edition, been using it for years, it has pages of record label addresses, owners co owners phone # what other labels they owned. Then there is producers, distributers one stops. Tape whole sellers, pressing plants, label printers mothers disc makers and so on
  25. Thanks for that so that's about how long ive had them. The tape has BBC written on it

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