I'm ok mate, wasn't on here yesterday so hadn't seen your post, though I don't put myself in your league I think its fair to say you met 1/2 of Detroit and I met the other 1/2 Ive got a few bits, somewhere ive got Ollies original Caravan Club membership card with his signature on, Brian Spears business card, some Groovsville returns notes from one-stops "Everybody loves Popcorn" bags that they used to put popcorn in for the kids (I don't mean Richard himself of course) to eat when watching a TV show that they did. A domestic item that we were both there at, (I remember watching you and Butch dancing) and that is the last night at Wigan ticket but with both halves still together. You will remember with I being Gary Rushbrooke's driver although I had a ticket I didn't have to present it as to avoid the cue we got in early by going through the top end thru Ms What we used to do Tim in the older days, all good fun, a bit crazy at times but we never hurt nobody. Take care Gilly