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Everything posted by Gilly

  1. Yes it is, don't have it anymore sadly and still only one of four copies ever to my knowledge, I think the currant owners are like you say Ted, and im sure Ginger, Mick Smith and maybe Tim Brown retained my old copy but not sure. If anyone wants to talk about what is rare, well this is rare 4 copies and its stood the test of time
  2. In the US $140 for 'I Wanna Tell My Baby'/ Lover Come Back' DTown 1990 In the UK £80 for 'Queen of Fools UK Hickory issue £80 for an Inspirations on Breakthrough 1sided orig Paid £60 for a London demo of D Banks Our Love is/Open the (mint) but got a £40 speeding fine on the way home having collected it.
  3. Consider telling more stories Tim, you did it and discovered more records than Roy Castle. Things need to be documented (facts) before loose inaccurate words become the so called facts. Your experience is a gold mine. Remember you met one half of Detroit and I met the other half but away from that you did so, so much more. Its not only their legacy it's yours too. Gilly
  4. Yes as you say, years ago (everyone) wanted to be a DJ. Now (everyone) wants to promote, it sure gives you a chance to DJ if you run it and further more if you can team up with another promoter you can DJ at his and he can DJ at yours. What more could you want, I will tell you, some punters wouldn't go a miss.
  5. 55 Soul nights on this Saturday, it will crawl up its own arse before long. Its a lot of talc and handbags me thinks
  6. I've come across loads of what I think must be mistakes in the BMI I think Americans have a different order to the alphabet than us too
  7. Yes Billy Miller, lead singer of the Inspirations (Midas) and sang with John Kondos, (Klondos) on Galaxie (that is the correct spelling)
  8. Not helping matters in answering the question but I cant help thinking of Jackie Wilsons voice on "Ive found someone" side
  9. cant help much, names credited are the writers but you should know that from the music sheet. Helios own 100s of songs and based in Germany. what I can say is I love his voice whoever it is. thanks
  11. Had most of them years ago but not the two main Moniques and the Tri-ems. The first Monique (I had that one) is plain red
  12. if your not aware, when you get it play the other side
  13. Must of met you sometime, I know people like Gaz Simons, Kev Cane, Kev Joss, John and Sandra and Lynn, Al Coney, Baz Atkinson, Colin Denham, Pete Foster and others too
  14. Wow, I posted that in 2009, thanks for replying, I first met her when she was about 14/15 yrs old, her grandmother lived in my old village of Willington, Derby's and how bizarre is this about an hour ago I was going through some old photos for my forth coming book and sure enough the last photo in the biscuit tin is Janey. I've not seen her since the times you speak of. Did hear she married a non Soul fan and that was that. Where are you from btw
  15. OK then Keb, can you stop swearing? No I fuckin cant, love him
  16. Hi cant agree on the first choice, its sung within the title, check out Carla Thomas's version also unreleased at the time. William Bell I have, love that too. Gilly
  17. That mans voice was out of this world, "New girl in the neighbourhood" sums it up
  18. I remember Gary I'm sure he played it first, of course a lot of Tim's finds ended up in Gary's DJ set
  19. Gary Rushbrooke
  20. I do remember a girl stood up and said "I first met Dave when he was feeding wasps" I still ponder over that to this day
  21. What I posted above is what D G said to me, if true or not is not my concern, I can say having been invited to Daves funeral it was the most interesting one I ever attended
  22. Dave Godin said to me that he (Godin) was having a meal in a restaurant in Paris with Marvin Gaye when Mick Jagger asked Dave to introduce him to Marvin, Dave told him to fuck off and do your own introductions. Dave also said the reason Mick Jagger got on in life is because Micks dad was big at the BBC
  23. if my memory serves me and I'm right that it was Pat I remember both myself and Guy Hennigan thought it was brill

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